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Message ID: 1326
Date: Sat Nov 13 12:21:41 GMT 1999
Author: Lomack
Subject: Re: Aqualung Sales

And just how are you going to carry 50 enduring breath potions? hehe sorry
don't mean to be sarcastic here... Besides I would think that any high
level people that wanted to camp cauldronbubble or the king in Kedge would
really be interested in these for a few reasons.
1. No need for someone to break out of combat to start recasting enduring
breath on the entire party. Ive been to kedge a few times now, its a pain
unless you have multiple persons that can cast EB.
2. Remember most of your EB casters also have to memorize the stamina
spells. an Aqualung just freed up one of your spell slots. Humm should I
memorize the evac or the enduring breath? :)
3. Ok so 50 fishscales don't really take up that much weight, and its only
3 stacks of stuff. But thats 2 extra stacks that aren't going to be
holding loot. And its also 1,750 mana saved, not including fizzels, which
are not possible with the aqualung.
4. Mermaids and seahorses can cast dispell magic. Sure that just means the
Druid, Shamen, or Enchanter needs to recast EB on someone in a hurry. Or
they could just click off a charge from the aqualung and keep on trucking.
Not many fighters are going to have their mind firmly on the battle at hand
if they start running on the air left in their lungs.

Thats all I could come up with off the top of my head. As was mentioned in
another post, its all how you sell them. I am getting better at it, and I
do offer any persons that purchass an aqualung from me, 50% of their money
back if they trade in their aqualung for a rebreather once I am able to
make them. No matter how many charges are remaining.

Heh on a side note, if I had been selling rebreathers, I was offered a
Yeksha for one till they learned it was the charged version. :) I added
that name to my friends list for when I am crafting rebreathers. :)

Lomack, BCK-MoR

>sorry my friend but for 700 plat anyone can purchase 50 enduring breath
>i dont really see why anyone would pay that UNLESS as stated earlier we
>an upgrade to rebreather for a viable cost. i agree with an earlier post
>we gig anyone who wont purchase the aqualung but wants a rebreather and cut
>slack to those who purchase both. this isnt really a prob for me as im only
>in it
>to equip my guild and have full backing from them. just an opinion and glad
>to hear
>the level cap is going to get fixed. you wouldnt believe the amount of cash
>i wasted
>of the guild treasury trying to raise my skill. well see you all in game.
>Derkal Pentolite, Eme'ef Aitch Wizard, The Rathe