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Message ID: 1335
Date: Mon Nov 15 02:10:45 GMT 1999
Author: Monica Bradlee
Subject: Aqualungs

Since I was the first one to say I am selling Aqualungs for 1kpp to people I would like to point out to the person who decided to be the "righteous" one. PEOPLE DO NOT NEED THESE, that's right this are novelties they are NOT an intregal part of the game. People can go camp the 8 hour spawn for the fishbone earring or they can completely avoid Kedge it is up to them it is not necessary. Also people came to me and said they would pay me 1kpp for the aqaulungs I even told
them it had 50 charges and they didn't really care because they were rich. One person even said this to me "I am a tradesman myself and I make sure to support other tradesman" hence I didn't feel bad when she gave me money to help with my tinkering skill and later on when she asks me to make her an aqua lung I am going to tell her it's on me. What I have been telling people is what one of the other people on this list said 600pp for an aqua and later on when you can
upgrade to a rebreather 1kpp, I will be selling rebreathers for 2kpp and by the way people who are smart try and haggle, I would sell a rebreather for 1600pp

32 warrior

PS yes this was a personal attack, please think before you type something