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Message ID: 1342
Date: Mon Nov 15 12:56:09 GMT 1999
Author: Murr Rockstroh
Subject: RE: Digest Number 146

Honest Ranth,

Lets see just how bad 1000pp per Aqualung is shall we?

OK first, the base cost to tinker it, assuming the following:
1) No Failures
2) Maximum Charisma
3) Absolutely no money invested to get skill high enough to tinker them

209pp 4g 7s 4c (We'll round it to 200pp for easy figuring)

Now, lets assume for the sake of arguement that you have max charisma so
that doesn't factor into this.

At a failure rate of 10% on the Aqualungs, the price goes to 222pp
At 20% cost is 250pp
At 30% cost is 285pp
At 40% cost is 333pp
At 50% cost is 400pp

Now, I know that from my experiences, it has cost me roughly 5000pp getting
to 100 skill, but I have wasted some due to the level limit being unknown to
me, and I would guess that amount to be roughly 1500pp, so I have spent to
date, 3500pp getting to the point where I can make these things.

Let's take a small percentage of failure, 30% (which is not unreasonable,
and I venture to guess if you tracked your failures, you would find this to
be low to average). At 30% failure rating cost to make the Aqualung is
285pp or roughly 300pp. So for selling them at 1000pp, you make about 700pp
profit per aqualung, and after 5 I would be at the break even point.
Everything after that is profit or money that will be reinvested in the
future to get the skill necessary to tackle the Rebreathers.

Now Askur also said that he would be giving them a discount equal to 50% of
the cost of the Aqualung to his return customers. That's 500pp per return
customer, which lowers his profit to 200pp per Aqualung, and now he would
have to sell 18 of these to break even on his original investment.

So, if you are willing to sell them so low, you might want to start keeping
better track of your failure rates on these items, and not belittle the
business practices of others.

Personally I think he's doing it right, he insures return customers and is
giving them a good deal to boot. I did the very same thing on bows.. I
would charge roughly 2 to 2.5 times my cost on the bow, and offer them a
discount for turning in their old bows for an upgrade, and I have a huge
number of customers returning to me, and they are constantly referring
people to me for their bows. I get /tells from people I have never heard of
all the time, saying "So-an-so told me to get my bow from you, can you make
blah blah blah"

Just my opinion, and it's worth what you are paying for it.

Vapn Maistre, Povar

-----Original Message-----
From: Rathan Silvermyst [mailto:eqlegion@...]
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 1:31 PM
To: EQ_Tinkering@onelist.com
Subject: Re: [EQ_Tinkering] Digest Number 146

From: "Rathan Silvermyst" <eqlegion@...>

thank ye kindly for insulting my intelligence. paying 1k for a
Lung....congratulations on fooling the masses. personnaly i think it is
taking advantage of ppl. the return i get far outweighs my expenses, and i
am selling them faster than i can make em. as for all gnomes who sell
scopes for 100 plat...HAHAHA. wow, you must find the stupidest ppl in the
world to pull that scam off. personally, i am kind of disgusted that so
many ppl here are so greedy. i have never before been disgusted to be a
gnome...but there is a first time for everything i guess.
-"Honest" Ranth Rathan, Affordable Tinkerer Extraoridnaire

>I dont know what the hell you outhers do but i think you need an marketing
>department. I would never ever selll a aqua lung for 400 pp, thats just
>insane and plain stupid.
>900-1000 pp for it is fair i think and with a note with it that if they
>come back for an uppgrade to Rebreather for say 1000 more + componet cost.
>That would be around 1600 pp i think, is that right ?
>I dont sell the fishing pole and those outher low skill items outher if
>anyone order it, i get to many failures even on trivial items to be worth
>making them and selling them at a large scale. Take Bow cam�s for example,
>i gor an order of 8 cam�s it took 12 tries to make 8, thats 4 failures and
>i sold them for 25 pp each, it�s almost nno profit at all so in the
>futare i�m going to charge 30 pp for them i think if i even sell them.
>Askur of Veeshan
