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Message ID: 1413
Date: Wed Nov 24 17:37:53 GMT 1999
Author: Lomack
Subject: Diamond Dust & Aqualungs

I talked to a GM yesterday about Diamond Dust. Basically I asked if it was
in the game and if he could give me any hint. I was told that it was in
the game and that I should look toward the Rathe Mountains to some NPCs
that Crush gems. I do believe he specifically was refering to the Ogres.
If I can get my hands on a Diamond that is where I will be trying.
Unfortunately Diamonds are only droped by Very high level mobs. Like Plane
of Fear, Hate kinda places and even then not in abundance. Ive herd that
vendors will pay 200pp if you try to sell them a diamond. So expect to pay
through the nose for one if you find someone selling.

As for aqualungs, on the next patch the 20th level magician spell summon
waterstone will most likely be in place. 5 charges of enduring breath.
That kinda puts a kink in aqualung sales. Only saving grace is that its a
no rent stone. But rumor has it that it won't be lore, so if you find a
magician before you head under the waves, you can pick up a pack full.
Other sad note is that if you should sell an aqualung to a merchant for the
190 plat they will give you. The merchant charges 500 plat to buy it back.
So unfortunately being that most of our failure rates are around 50% is
the cost that we need to sell them for to break even.
Please if your going to make aqualungs and sell them back to vendors.
Don't leave any charged on them. It only helps to ruin the aqualung
market, whats left of it anyway.

Lomack, Knight Defender of the BCK
Master of Recruiting
"The Crimson Knights"
Fennin Ro