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Message ID: 1586
Date: Wed Dec 15 21:15:25 GMT 1999
Author: jbuckingham@xxxxx.xx.xx
Subject: Re:: Bullsmasher

Actaullty the humorous thing about Bullsmasher is that it is listed as being
useable by all classes that can use regular warhammers, including Monks.. Can
you imagine a gnome monk? :)

Anyone that says a 6/20 weapon is crap becasue it's not magical probably hasnt
used one - I primary wield the bullsmasher with a PGT and it kicks all sorts of
mob tail :) On the rare occaison I need to fight a magic mob I switch the
bullsmasher with a dragoon dirk. Considering that you can get this weapon at
level 5-6, it gets my vote for the best weapon in the game :)

On another note, Manik Completon actually responds to "What is Bull Smasher",
which I find interesting - the text isn't too interesting, but perhaps its a
placeholder for a quest to get a magical upgrade...