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Message ID: 1634
Date: Fri Dec 17 14:30:02 GMT 1999
Author: Andy Smith
Subject: RE: RE: skill cap + grow up all of you

The message said that I felt like I was dealing with mentally deficient
children. Thus I was not directly calling anybody any names, merely drawing
an analogy to some of the behavior that is currently going on. In fact, I
deliberately avoided using any names just so that nobody could accuse me of
attacking any specific person. However, it seems that the post failed in
it's intended purpose, which was TO GET YOU ALL TO STOP SPAMMING ME WITH

To be honest, I stopped looking at names after the first flurry of insults
and just deleted any mail with "Skill cap" in it. I have no idea, nor do I
really care, who started what and who's right or wrong at this point. I'd
be happy if we just started acting like adults again.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Linus Gustafsson" <linusgson@...>

BTW, calling someone a mentally deficient child is not an insult??

At my age, beeing called a child is a bit insulting :)

-Sandortien again :)