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Message ID: 1640
Date: Sat Dec 18 05:53:28 GMT 1999
Author: eqtinker@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: New Info at Fulcrum's Tinkering Compendium

I wanted to let everyone know that I have updated my Tinkering Compendium since I announced its opening. The changes are:

- Moved Tinkering recipes to a separate page to allow for easier printing.
- Added a Tinkering ingredients location chart (as suggested by a fellow Gnome).
- Added a Thermal Cloak failed attempts section (which needs all of your help to fill in).

Be sure to drop by at:


Also, if you have an announcement of a Tinkering event or anything Tinker related, be sure to pass it on and I will post it to the compendium.

-Fulcrum of Fennin Ro