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Message ID: 1650
Date: Mon Dec 20 17:07:17 GMT 1999
Author: Quasinom de Plume
Subject: Re: Animated Bait

All I believe it means is that you lose your bait. If you fish and you
get the message "You didn't catch anything," you still keep your bait.
But if you spill your beer then you lose your bait.


--- Joe D <joed@...> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 19, 1999 at 09:40:24PM -0500, RPGMastr2k@... wrote:
> > From: RPGMastr2k@...
> >
> > Hrmm. Maybe if you tested it more it would even out or something,
> hehe.
> > But...what does it mean when you spill your beer?
> Sometimes while fishing, you get the message "You spill you beer while
> bringing in your line". I've fished with beer in my inventory, and I
> didn't
> lose any when that happened. I think it's just a bit of color they
> tossed
> in.
> Joe D

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