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Message ID: 1675
Date: Tue Dec 21 16:22:13 GMT 1999
Author: Gazamel Prime
Subject: Re: Different Fireworks

When you create a firework, you get 4 items:

firework_1, firework_2, firework_3, and firework_4

I would suggest trying these before you sell them so
you know which is which.

Gazamel Prime
Solusek Ro
Master Tinker

--- eqtinker@... wrote:
> Greetings!
> As it sounds like a lot of Gnomes are now getting
> into fireworks, I would like
> to pose a question: Has any one figured out how to
> determine which type of
> firework will be launched? I've had two types go
> off: flare and explosion.
> It would be great if I knew which one would go off
> before I used it. Or
> better yet, if there was some way to determine this
> at the Tinkering stage.
> Thanks.
> -Fulcrum of Fennin Ro
> Fulcrum's Tinkering Compendium
> http://www.geocities.com/eqtinker

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