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Message ID: 1852
Date: Wed Jan 19 17:40:54 GMT 2000
Author: Gazamel Prime
Subject: Re: Mauldoon please leave me alone

Sorry to subject all of you other tinkers out there,
but enough is enough here. I'm quite tired of
listening to this guy bash me.

The guy posting from email address beatles901 is
Mauldoon, he plays on Solusek Ro. He's a level 41
(maybe 42) magician who "claims" to have a skill of
200 in tinkering. He's telling everyone on Sol Ro
that he knows where diamond dust is, and he's mad at
me because I revealed his name to all of you back in
September. To get back at me, he created multiple
"identities" here with which to bash me and try to
discredit me.

Search the archives for the base of the email
address... beatles901 started posting WAY back as
Mauldoon, yelling at people for not sharing info on
certain tinkered items. Now all of a sudden he's
Raksar, a level 50 gnome enchanter. Now if you check
his most recent post, he's calling himself Raskur. He
can't even get his fake identities straight.

Basically, I'm tired of being berated about this whole
thing. I'm tired of Mauldoon taking cheap shots at me
from behind a fake name. If he knows the location,
he's a dirtbag in MY opinion for not sharing it. If
he doesn't know, he's just a lying little twit (oh
wait, he's already been proven to be a lying little
twit, never mind) waiting to take credit for it.

I personally don't care who finds it, I'll give them
due credit and congratulate them when they post it and
I confirm it by getting some myself.

Anyway, take this information as you will. A friend
of mine researched Mauldoon's posting and posted the
following discovery on the Sol Ro message boards.
Here's the link to the post if you care to read it:


I had to put this out here, there's nothing worse than
working hard to increase your skill and having people
like this guy try to destroy all my work just because
he doesn't like me.

Gazamel Prime
50th Gnome Warrior - Solusek Ro
116 Tinkering skill

--- beatles901 <beatles901@...> wrote:
> From: "beatles901" <beatles901@...>
> I've heard claims from other highly skilled
> tinkerers on other servers about this Gazamel
> character badmouthing and putting the trade down.
> While I agree ideas are good, I don't think you
> should just mumble off any old thing without
> thinking about it. Spam is unnecessary, and IMO and
> not yours, it shows what a low level of intelligence
> some people can have. That's my opinion, feel free
> to have yours.
> Raskur
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Gregory J. Paul
> To: EQ_Tinkering@onelist.com
> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 7:14 PM
> Subject: Re: [EQ_Tinkering] Ak'Anon king
> From: "Gregory J. Paul" <gregjpaul@...>
> Who is this wise arse that comes out and starts
> cutting people down.Give me a break, and grow up.
> Ideas are what leads to finished products.Taking
> ideas and trying them is what this game is about,
> not just going out and whacking everything, DONT YA
> GET IT DAAAAAAA.We put our ideas together and give
> them a try if it works we are up one but if they
> don't we try again.Keep the ideas coming.
> Dweeb Fire wiz.
> Cazic-Thule
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Gazamel Prime
> To: EQ_Tinkering@onelist.com
> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 3:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [EQ_Tinkering] Ak'Anon king
> From: Gazamel Prime <gazamel@...>
> I'm not misleading anyone here, I was agreeing
> with
> another person who shared the same idea as I
> have.
> I'm not making up lies, and why would I want to
> mislead anyone about the King in Ak'Anon? It's
> not
> like I said "Hey, go kill the King, he's got
> diamond
> dust" or anything like that. I merely gave my
> thoughts on the matter. Making an attack on my
> idea
> does nothing but encourage people NOT to talk
> and
> share ideas.
> What server do you play on? Our GMs don't
> divulge
> such information, so maybe if I created a
> character
> there and talked to your GM I'd become more
> enlightened on the matter.
> And don't give me any crap about warrior
> intelligence,
> I can get my INT over 200 should I really care
> to.
> Gazamel
> --- beatles901 <beatles901@...> wrote:
> > From what I've heard so far, you've been
> misleading
> > us on different trails
> > for every message you've sent almost. I sit
> here and
> > wonder why you come up
> > with such lies. I spoke with an ADMIN GM and
> not a
> > guide and was told that
> > the King is actually a tiny human, and not in
> > illusion form. Good thing
> > you're a warrior too...because that would
> explain
> > the level of intelligence
> > :)
> >
> > Raksar Everheart, level 50 Gnomish Enchanter
> > 189 skill in Tinkering
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Gazamel Prime <gazamel@...>
> > To: <EQ_Tinkering@onelist.com>
> > Sent: Monday, January 17, 2000 2:48 PM
> > Subject: Re: [EQ_Tinkering] an Idea
> >
> >
> > > From: Gazamel Prime <gazamel@...>
> > >
> > > Yay, I was hoping someone else figured this
> out
> > > besides me. The king is an enchanter, and
> he's
> > > typically in human form. I'm fairly certain
> that
> > if
> > > you cancel magic on him (not an aggressive
> spell)
> > that
> > > you'd see his true form. Being a warrior, I
> can't
> > > really cast this spell, so I've yet to see
> this =)
> > >
> > > Gazamel
> > >
> > > --- Yigman008@... wrote:
> > > > the king isn't a clockwork, the clockwork
> next
> > to it
> > > > is, if ou say hail next
> > > > to one of those spider ones, no matter
> which one
> > it
> > > > is, it says unit not
> > > > authorized for speaking or somethin.
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