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Message ID: 1963
Date: Mon Feb 7 16:01:37 GMT 2000
Author: Quasinom de Plume
Subject: Re: Anaglyph

Hmmm - perhaps we have to mix a pearl with the amber lens you find in Guk.


--- Joe D <joed@...> wrote:
> Gimbelstan's journal mentions that the Gemcutter is used to make pearl
> anaglyphs. I'd assumed that this meant some kind of carving, but
> decided to
> check the dictionary. I was right, but the second definition was
> intriguing. I doubt that it's relevant to anything.
> Main Entry: ana�glyph
> Pronunciation: 'a-n&-"glif
> Function: noun
> Etymology: Late Latin anaglyphus embossed, from Greek anaglyphos, from
> anaglyphein to emboss, from ana- + glyphein to carve -- more at CLEAVE
> Date: 1651
> 1 : a sculptured, chased, or embossed ornament worked in low relief
> 2 : a stereoscopic motion or still picture in which the right component
> of a
> composite image usually red in color is superposed on the left component
> in
> a contrasting color to produce a three-dimensional effect when viewed
> through correspondingly colored filters in the form of spectacles
> - ana�glyph�ic /"a-n&-'gli-fik/ adjective
> Joe D
> aka Pasketti, Gnome Enchanter of Povar
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