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Message ID: 2551
Date: Tue May 14 12:14:15 BST 2002
Author: Kuervodr@netscape.net
Subject: RE: quick question

jeff sikorski <j_sikorsk@...> wrote:
"I have a 45 necro and was wondering how long my account can be inactive until they delete my character (which i dont want to happen.) I thought i read somewhere it was 3 months, but I know that when i re-activated my account back in november i hadnt played in like 4-5 months and it was
still there... anyone know the real answer to this, i would really appreciate it :p"

Officially, they will guarantee 3 months. But they have stated that they have not ever erased characters over level one. They did, however, go through and deleted any level one characters who had not been played in over 90 days once. So chances are, even if you left an account inactive for 8 months, that your characters will still be there all safe and sound.

However, just because they haven't been deleting inactive accounts in the past, does NOT mean they never will. They guarantee 3 months. If you let it go more than that, and they decide to delete it, well thats just too bad.

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