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Message ID: 454
Date: Wed Aug 25 21:44:41 BST 1999
Author: Eron Linver
Subject: Re: My thoughts

A few things here. If it is a known fact I will put <fact> before it, if it is
an assumptions I will place <assumption> before it.

Aaron Bolch wrote:

> From: "Aaron Bolch" <aaronbolch@...>
> Thought #1:
> Before taking an extended break from Everquest to pursue a job, I spent
> nearly 150 pp making flameless lanterns and my skill remained "Below
> Average". I was told by a GM that tinkering is one of the hardest skills to
> train, so perhaps I am either unlucky, or the skill is nearly impossible to
> train up now.

<Assumption> tinkering is broken. It doesn't matter what a GM tells you. They
lie all the time. I have even asked them on things I have known to be true just
to see if they would lie. If any of you are Necromacers you know about the DoT
bug, where the corpse vanishes when the monster dies, and no one gets EXP. Well
I was assured numerous time by Bargash (A real GM on Karana and not even a
guide) that this was supposed to be part of the game. Of course, a few patches
latter Verant put in a "fix" for this "part of the game" which has helped but
the problem still exists. This is my only instance of an actual GM lying to me,
but there are many other instances where guides will give answers to questions
they know nothing about. So I would just disreguard the answer. Because if
tinker could go up, then someone on this list would have had his/her skill go up
by now. So if you have had your tinkering skill go up, please say something so
we know it is possible.

> Thought #2:
> If the collapsible fishing pole was in a shop, it would have been found long
> ago. Of course, if it was only added in recently, then it may have yet to
> be found. In any case, it still doesn't solve the problem of not having the
> recipe to make them.

<Assumption> Really only gnomes would be looking for this item. If it was in
grobb or oggok (don't ask me why, but they put some necromacers spells there)
then it is very unlikely that we would have found it. If it was in neriak then
really only Necromacers could have found it. This would mean that our
enchanters would have to check these cities. There are also vendors all over.
A gnome, on this list, would have to hit one of these vendors and then scroll
down enough to see the pole if it was there. It definitely could be out there.

> Thought #3:
> The collapsible fishing pole recipe should be fairly cheap to make. I
> really doubt that Verant made it difficult, considering it is a component
> for another item. So, this should limit the parts to those costing 1 pp or
> less, with the total cost not exceeding 5 pp.

<assumption> Tinkering is broken, and the pole cannot be made at this time.
This is probably due to some poor coding or oversite (such as the DoT bug, which
effects every class with DoT or the Barbarian Shield). Verant has put out a
good game, but made some large errors in coding that apparently cannot be fixed
until large areas of code can be patched (my guess would be this would not occur
until the expansion).

> Thought #4:
> Whoever assumed that the spyglasses were being sold for 50% over cost is
> assuming way too much. If you are the only producer of an item, you can
> demand a much higher profit return on that item.

<Fact> Spyglass are found as a rare drop off of some monsters. They are a very
rare drop (like the box of abu-kar for which I kill about 300-400 monsters of
the appropriate type before one drops). I have seen them for auction, and I
have seen people auctioning for them. Every single person has given me the same
response to my inquiries, that they are looted. If the person who was selling
it led you to believe he tinkered the item, he was most likely lying, and hoping
to get more to sell and keep the price up.

> Thought #5:
> There is no such thing as a "secret" on Everquest. There are too many
> people playing the game, making any new discovery part of the common
> knowledge base within a few weeks.

<Fact> This is pretty true for the most part, but the glowing stein was a part
of the game from beta on, and it wasn't until 2 or 3 weeks ago that this became
common knowledge. Verant also reports that less than 50% of the total different
items in the game have been found.

> Thought #6:
> Seeing "broken" quests, items, and spells in the past, I wouldn't put it
> past Verant that the collapsible fishing pole recipe isn't really in the
> game. I am merely speculating, but I find it rather hard to believe that
> after months of uptime, not one gnome has found the recipe to such a trivial
> item as the collapsible fishing pole.

<assumption> I totally agree as stated above.

--Eron (Vaevictis, Karana)

from The Simpsons:

Moe: Why can't I find Amanda Hugginkiss?