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Message ID: 461
Date: Thu Aug 26 03:36:30 BST 1999
Author: Mr. Ottho
Subject: Re: My thoughts

I talked to a guide on povar raatum and he said tinkering is very broken
----- Original Message -----
From: Eron Linver <aeron@...>
To: <EQ_Tinkering@onelist.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [EQ_Tinkering] My thoughts

> From: Eron Linver <aeron@...>
> A few things here. If it is a known fact I will put <fact> before it, if
it is
> an assumptions I will place <assumption> before it.
> Aaron Bolch wrote:
> > From: "Aaron Bolch" <aaronbolch@...>
> >
> > Thought #1:
> >
> > Before taking an extended break from Everquest to pursue a job, I spent
> > nearly 150 pp making flameless lanterns and my skill remained "Below
> > Average". I was told by a GM that tinkering is one of the hardest
skills to
> > train, so perhaps I am either unlucky, or the skill is nearly impossible
> > train up now.
> >
> <Assumption> tinkering is broken. It doesn't matter what a GM tells you.
> lie all the time. I have even asked them on things I have known to be
true just
> to see if they would lie. If any of you are Necromacers you know about
the DoT
> bug, where the corpse vanishes when the monster dies, and no one gets EXP.
> I was assured numerous time by Bargash (A real GM on Karana and not even a
> guide) that this was supposed to be part of the game. Of course, a few
> latter Verant put in a "fix" for this "part of the game" which has helped
> the problem still exists. This is my only instance of an actual GM lying
to me,
> but there are many other instances where guides will give answers to
> they know nothing about. So I would just disreguard the answer. Because
> tinker could go up, then someone on this list would have had his/her skill
go up
> by now. So if you have had your tinkering skill go up, please say
something so
> we know it is possible.
> > Thought #2:
> >
> > If the collapsible fishing pole was in a shop, it would have been found
> > ago. Of course, if it was only added in recently, then it may have yet
> > be found. In any case, it still doesn't solve the problem of not having
> > recipe to make them.
> >
> <Assumption> Really only gnomes would be looking for this item. If it was
> grobb or oggok (don't ask me why, but they put some necromacers spells
> then it is very unlikely that we would have found it. If it was in neriak
> really only Necromacers could have found it. This would mean that our
> enchanters would have to check these cities. There are also vendors all
> A gnome, on this list, would have to hit one of these vendors and then
> down enough to see the pole if it was there. It definitely could be out
> >
> > Thought #3:
> >
> > The collapsible fishing pole recipe should be fairly cheap to make. I
> > really doubt that Verant made it difficult, considering it is a
> > for another item. So, this should limit the parts to those costing 1 pp
> > less, with the total cost not exceeding 5 pp.
> >
> <assumption> Tinkering is broken, and the pole cannot be made at this
> This is probably due to some poor coding or oversite (such as the DoT bug,
> effects every class with DoT or the Barbarian Shield). Verant has put out
> good game, but made some large errors in coding that apparently cannot be
> until large areas of code can be patched (my guess would be this would not
> until the expansion).
> >
> > Thought #4:
> >
> > Whoever assumed that the spyglasses were being sold for 50% over cost is
> > assuming way too much. If you are the only producer of an item, you can
> > demand a much higher profit return on that item.
> >
> <Fact> Spyglass are found as a rare drop off of some monsters. They are a
> rare drop (like the box of abu-kar for which I kill about 300-400 monsters
> the appropriate type before one drops). I have seen them for auction, and
> have seen people auctioning for them. Every single person has given me
the same
> response to my inquiries, that they are looted. If the person who was
> it led you to believe he tinkered the item, he was most likely lying, and
> to get more to sell and keep the price up.
> >
> > Thought #5:
> >
> > There is no such thing as a "secret" on Everquest. There are too many
> > people playing the game, making any new discovery part of the common
> > knowledge base within a few weeks.
> >
> <Fact> This is pretty true for the most part, but the glowing stein was a
> of the game from beta on, and it wasn't until 2 or 3 weeks ago that this
> common knowledge. Verant also reports that less than 50% of the total
> items in the game have been found.
> >
> > Thought #6:
> >
> > Seeing "broken" quests, items, and spells in the past, I wouldn't put it
> > past Verant that the collapsible fishing pole recipe isn't really in the
> > game. I am merely speculating, but I find it rather hard to believe
> > after months of uptime, not one gnome has found the recipe to such a
> > item as the collapsible fishing pole.
> >
> <assumption> I totally agree as stated above.
> --Eron (Vaevictis, Karana)
> aeron@...
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