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Message ID: 49
Date: Tue Jun 8 03:00:47 BST 1999
Author: dlobdell
Subject: Re: rumors

No, the lens quest he refers to, and the lens quest for the Observer staff is different. The observer staff quest is given out at the observatory North of the Windmills, where as the other lens quest is given by the observitory by Akanon. And just for the record the Obeserver staff is NOT the best staff in the game for mage classes.. The Staff of Writhing is much better+ACE- It casts random chaotic feedbacks... and its has some nice +- stats too. Cant remember them all exacly. Ill look next time i log on. I havnt been playing much lately...
Wes Lobdell,
Quote: +ACI-Hide not your Talents+ADs- they for Use were made. What's a Sundial in the Shade?+ACI-
Benjamin Franklin

Yes that is the observer quest and you have to kill Broxx (Not sure of
spelling) a 30th lvl Evil Eye at the bottom or Runnyeye to get the staff
(Been camping with friends trying to get for one), or to be exact the lens
to give for the staff.

+AD4APA--- Enigma --

-----Original Message-----
From: Zach Heaven +AFs-SMTP:zheaven+AEA-yahoo.com+AF0-
Sent: Monday, June 07, 1999 3:45 PM
To: EQ+AF8-Tinkering+AEA-onelist.com
Subject: Re: +AFs-EQ+AF8-Tinkering+AF0- rumors

From: Zach Heaven zheaven+AEA-yahoo.com


I follow the note to Grub n Grob but get stuck there.
Two of the lens people say +ACI-come back next week+ACI-, the
third I tried leads me to Freeport. At the store I
ask eveyrone about the dark elf rogue but no one
replies, and I can't find an underground enterance. I
have heard of the name the woman is supposed to be,
HOWEVER, she cons red to me and when I approach her
about the lens she does nothing. I believe it to be
an unfinished quest. I heard it was supposed to be
part or near the Staff of the Observer (best staff in
game for casters) quest...

I'll try the thermal cloak tonight as well, using
leather, cloth, and various other equipment. I think
I decyphered it well enough to get it.

--- Rick Jones rjones+AEA-fcb.com wrote:
+AD4APg- From: +ACI-Rick Jones+ACI- rjones+AEA-fcb.com
+AD4APg- I tried the thermal cloak, no go. Said these items
+AD4APg- don't combine. (Small
+AD4APg- cloak was
+AD4APg- what I used) But I could have just been wrong.
+AD4APg- Because I used a Belt as
+AD4APg- well.
+AD4APg- And a cloth rope, because I'm a mage and can't were
+AD4APg- a belt. So, I've got no
+AD4APg- clue.
+AD4APg- -Zikkin
+AD4APg- P.S. the Eldritch Collective is the keepers of
+AD4APg- Tinkering info I think.
+AD4APg- But what that means? Good question. I think that you
+AD4APg- have to complete
+AD4APg- quests for the Collective, the Spare Lens quest
+AD4APg- would be one to try,
+AD4APg- but at level 19 I can't even get the quest. Anyone
+AD4APg- of a lower level want
+AD4APg- to try this one? No one has finished it as far as I
+AD4APg- know.
+AD4APg- corenee wrote:
+AD4APg- From: corenee corenee+AEA-bitstreet.com
+AD4APg- first i would like to say ya'll are doin a great
+AD4APg- thing here. Here's what
+AD4APg- i have heard, there are three other books(besides
+AD4APg- the two at mills)
+AD4APg- where or when you get em is beyond me. I too have
+AD4APg- made the firewater,
+AD4APg- and the lantern, and say one person auctioning off
+AD4APg- the cams for the
+AD4APg- bows, so i know those have been made also. As has
+AD4APg- already been posted i
+AD4APg- too heard that the infravision goggles
+AD4APg- instructions came from a quest.
+AD4APg- Which one i don't know. Also i know as a fact that
+AD4APg- you can tinker
+AD4APg- successfully at level 1, but cannot gain any skill
+AD4APg- level til level 16.
+AD4APg- So all of you that are waiting to try it, go for
+AD4APg- it...it will work, i
+AD4APg- decided to try it at level 11 with my gnome, and
+AD4APg- made fire water on
+AD4APg- first try. Also i believe that you can make the
+AD4APg- thermal cloak from just
+AD4APg- about any cloak...doesn't have to be tattered... I
+AD4APg- am wanting to try
+AD4APg- similar things with lanterns ans stuff..(i.e. use
+AD4APg- small lantern and
+AD4APg- such). If anyone has tried it with other items
+AD4APg- please let me know.
+AD4APg- Jaqui(math marr)
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+AD4APg- ONElist of the Week.
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