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Message ID: 498
Date: Fri Sep 3 19:56:24 BST 1999
Author: Cleocrazy
Subject: more on the cfpole/spyglass

>i dont think thats for the pole at all. Why would it say anything about
>vision if it was. That might be for glasses of some sort or something. I've
>never even tinkered (im not even a gnome :), but "vision" has nothing to do
>with fishing poles.

no, no. though, you are right that it isn't the pole recipe, but the
spyglass recipe. however, you need the pole to make the spyglass. the books,
unfortunately don't tell us how to make the pole, so we need to deduce from
the spyglasss recipe what might be needed.

on that note, i firmly believe there is a metal rod in the collapsible
pole and NO fishing pole in it. that is silly. yeah, yeah, so are rat ears.
i don't care. we need to pound these things out methodically. we know the
recipe for the spyglass. we can go from there. go to lucas' site, and then
the guy with the spreadsheet's site (i forget his name). this needs to be
organized into a team effort.

here's what we need:

-a project coordinator (to deal out recipes and make
-volunteers with some cash and/or skill (i can't, i'm 10th lvl, i have
-a volunteer to make an excel spreadsheet of all combinations with likely
components, and a way to mark what has been done (i was going to, but no
time anymore)

another thing that might be helpful. anyone who is on the server (xegony?)
with the gnome who claims to know how to make poles, we need to put a tail
on him. constantly. see where he goes, what he does. see if he's trying to
sell the same glass over and over, or is making new ones. he no doubt reads
this digest, so he'd be on to us. i still have a hard time believing he can
do it, and would bet money the pole is broken. i wish we could confirm it.
god damn verant and their "you'll just have to find out" attitude. if it's
F$%#@N broken then tell us. ok that ends my rant section.

let's get this!!!
