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Message ID: 671
Date: Sun Oct 3 15:52:24 BST 1999
Author: lockjaw
Subject: Re: Digest Number 96

The fact that your not willing to reveal what it is you have to do, so that
others on the list, some of whom are in the high level 40s can do this only
suggests that your simply back to troll some more.

So why don't you just kindly leave?

Oh wait, you want to troll a bunch of messages so then you can come back in
a couple days and say something like, "Well, I found the important thing,
but since you all were unkind to me I won't reveal it, but this time its
your alls faults, not mine."

Gimme a break and just leave...


>Message: 5
> Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 05:52:24 GMT
> From: "Joshua Bednarz" <thewhitemage@...>
>Subject: Revelations...
>Hello, kiddies. Remember me? Well now... I imagine that you all hate me, but
>it matters not...
>I am the 8-year-old troll that made his exit from this list with one last
>letter admitting his faults...oh that's right though...I didn't write it did
>I? I got my intelligent mother (or was in brother?) to write it, and any
>more, "intellectual" sounding letters that I wrote in those rough days
>before I left, because 8-year-old-trolls don't write like that, of course.
>Yes yes, well I could please some of you and be an 8-year-old-troll by
>coming back after leaving you with my final letter that admitted that I had
>been an ass, and told you that you were all jerks, or I could have flung
>more mud, and gotten more personal and done even worse, gotten even more
>immature and done something even more immature, but I didn't, but why? I
>mean...an 8-year-old troll would do that, but I didn't, how could it be?
>It's because I'm not an 8-year old troll, its because I am better than you
>claim, its because I just let it go when you insulted me even after I
>totally, and outright apologized, and admitted all your true, but crude
>insults about me to be true. I am not back to start anything either. I am
>back to reveal something of great importance, not only to tinkering, but
>possibly to the entire world of Norrath. Yes yes, I know the information I
>hold in itself is truly more or less insignificant to anyone BUT tinkerers,
>and I know that it it can DIRECTLY not have much effect on much more than
>the tinkering world, but it potentially can have great effect indirectly of
>the entire game, in the long run when I really though about it. This is why
>I have decided to reveal me information to you. I know that I need help. I
>know that I alone cannot find something that a combined effort of maybe 1000
>people or more could not, but I DID find out the information that could
>truly be one of the main reason that those 1000 people find the information
>that they seek. Many of you may belive that I tell you what I know now,
>because what needs to be done is out of my reach, for higher levels, and I
>cannot complete it, but this is not true. In fact, I don't even know for
>sure if you even need to be a high level to get what we seek so vehemently
>for, but I am going to tell you the information none-the-less. Right now, I
>haven't been able to search the area where I think that the item, or
>information is located in, because I have been caught somewhere trying to
>gain a few levels before I move on. I wish to check out the area I think it
>is in a bit myself before I reveal what I know. If I find nothing, I will
>tell you all the clue I have extracted, for I have realized in total
>wholeness the folly of my selfish, idiotic thinking, but, even if I DO find
>what we seek on my own, I shall reveal to all what I find, why? Because it
>is only right. You have ALL put so much money, time, mind, and heart into
>finding it, and you DO deserve to know if I find it.
>I wrote you all this letter to tell you my decision. I must now waste no
>more time, I will get those two levels with godspeed and race to where I
>need to go and search, for I want to have SOMETHING to report to you, my
>fellow, loyal tinkerers as soon as possible, for we are all united by this
>list for one goal, and one purpose, and that is to further, the research,
>and the legend, and legacy of tinkering!!!
>I shall now be off my friends, I will return with my report as soon as I
>can, and either way, I'll have something interesting to tell you.
>Good luck to you all till then.
>Sniffledoo Copperheart.