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Message ID: 740
Date: Tue Oct 5 17:40:27 BST 1999
Author: vagabond@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Digest Number 96

On Tue, 5 Oct 1999 10:40:26 EDT, you wrote:

>In a message dated 99-10-03 18:57:58 EDT, you write:
><< This being the 3rd useless message I've seen from you in my short time on
> this list, I am prepared to decline your help.
> If all you can do is talk about how unreasonable people are (without
> providing any useful tinkering info), please go away.
> >>
>That last 10 messages I have read about flaming this joshua dude have been
>useless to me. Your all contributing to this not just one person.

Niether has your message contributed. Infact this message didn't
contribute anything eather.

Pot. Kettle, Black.

It all comes down to this:
The guy said something inflammitory, and has gotten flamed. Its time
to forget about it and go on with things. Wiether you belive what the
guy says from here on out is your business and a totally separate