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Message ID: 785
Date: Wed Oct 6 22:56:47 BST 1999
Author: mail.theramp.net
Subject: Re: More clues from Lindell, third book confirmed, and more...

> From: "Joshua Bednarz" <thewhitemage@...>
> I talked to Lindell again. He doesn't seem to want to tell me out-right,
> he was willing to tell me a little more, sort of. First of all, he
> that the thing I was looking for truly WAS a third tinkering book. He also
> said that to get it involed going under water. He also said that it was
> somewhere you wouldn't expact it to be. He also said that is was NOT in
> Ak'Anon, that looking there was a waste of time. He also confirmed that it
> wasn't is Kedge's Keep. He said that the person to first find it stummbled
> upon it by luck, so if we are actually looking for it we should be able to
> find it. Lindell also told me if I find the book, I can join The Mark.
> sorry, I don't want to join those people, they are with holding info from
> everyone else like that, so if I find it, I'm gonigto let everyone know
> about it, not join they're group. They want to keep it secret, but I have
> absolutely NO affiliation to them, and don't want to keep it secrect, so
> would I want to join them? First of all, they won't let me join because
> not worthy to them, plus if they had their way, I, or no one else would
> that book ever, and they would probably do anything in their power to stop
> me from getting it, and they sort of have, but then, if I found it, since
> they still want to keep it secret, they want me to join them, even after
> what they've acted like?! No way! I don't think so!
> Hahaha! Let's show them! Let's all re-double our efforts to find the
> Come on, guys! Let's go get it! Good luck to you all!

I know this might be a little underhanded, but hey! Thats why i play a gnome
necro! Anybody ever try to pretend to sell these in the zone he was in? If
yeah did get some tells on buying it, just tell the person that yeah just
sold it. Might upset him enough, that he might let something slip out?
Another idea i had is the Reanimated Hand in unrest, he drops severals
books, a cooking book, and a wizard book, i got off him once that i sold to
the merchant for 12pp not bad, and i know there are a couple others, but was
just thinking the 3rd Tinkering book, might be a rare drop by the hand? Plus
is he really wants to keep it a secret, who's to say he is giving us the
correct clues, maybe info to throw us off the trail of finding it.

-Araxen 26 Gnome Necro on Tunare