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Message ID: 967
Date: Mon Oct 18 21:40:06 BST 1999
Author: Philip Jon Terry
Subject: Old Tinkering Info

I clipped this information off a very old post by Phylab Tikerput at
I thought some of the newer list people might find it interesting.

Spring, 18th Magician

His Post.
Some facts: According to Verant, Tinkering unbalanced the game. This is
evident by the many items that where removed, statements from Lead GM's of
certain servers, and statements from several gnomes that during BETA
actually saw the items and the books. at least Verant saw fit that they
unbalanced the game, so they removed them. Second, many of the tinkerable
items where severly bugged, and do to the release schedule (which was
hurried out the door in May) caused the work on these items to be diverted
on others.

Most of the items where magicly charged items. In other words, the item was
held and then when clicked used a charge and casted the spell that was
relevant to the item. For example; Gnomish Goggles are NOT permanent
goggles that you wear and can see at night, They are the level 16? Heat
Sight spell that has 5 charges. When right clicked the user uses a charge
and has Heat sight for its standard duration. Sorry to spoil it, but this
is how ALL or most of the items worked.
Scouts; which are tinkerable now, are the level 8 Eye of Zomm spell with 5
charges, right clicking uses a charge and gives the user the Eye of Zomm
view for its standard duration.

Now some info from BETA: According to Eboo (or was it Dworkin?) whom ever it
was that worked with me and I'm so sorry I forgot your name, but thanks for
repling to my cries, hehehe) a guild spent over 500 platinum on trying out
the different tinkerable items that where in the books. I can attest to
this, because I myself (a Wood Elf ranger that needed a compass but had no
idea only gnomes could make them). Bought one of the books, and it had the
info on collapsible fishing poles.

According to these books, the following items could be made:

-Flameless Lanterns*+
-Collapsible fishing poles
-Mechanized Lockpicks*+
-Thermal Cloaks?*
-Gnomish Clockwork I (pet rat)
-Gnomish Clockwork IV (pet spider)
-Gnomish Clockwork XI (pet gnome male)

Magicly "charged" items
-Scouts (level 8 Eye of Zomm)*+
-Spyglasses (level 8 Glimpse )?*
-Gnomish Fireworks (level 8 Fingers of Fire)
-Gnomish Goggles (level 16 Heat Sight)
-Scuba Gear (Level ? Underwater Breathing)
-Jet Pack (level 24 Levitate)

-Steel Lined Silk armor?*

The ones marked with the (*) asterisks are remnants of the tinkering trade.
The ones with the (?) question mark are those that where also left, but are
questionable. Since many of the other components may have been removed,
these items have been destroyed and cannot be made. Those with a (+) plus
sign are those I successfully made and sold throughout Greater Faydark and
Freeport. The charged items can be used by any race/class. This supports the
theory that Verant removed them becuase of game inbalance.