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Message ID: 10
Date: Sun Apr 18 00:19:46 BST 1999
Author: Ford Prefect
Subject: Re: Please help end my frustration

-----Original Message-----
From: David Rubino <tigger@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Saturday, April 17, 1999 7:01 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Please help end my frustration

>From: David Rubino <tigger@...>
>Dear brothers and sisters:
>As I wander the land of Norrath, battle creatures, and gain experience, I
>often hear voices whisper things to me like "You hit a Skeleton for 15
>damage" or "A Gnoll tries to pierce you, but misses". As I gain more and
>more skill, my mind wonders what all of these whispers mean, and how they
>are derived.
>I am not an experienced RPGer. I have played UO, and I have played EQ. I
>have never played any other MUD, any 1 player RPG computer game, or
>anything like D&D. There seems to be the expectation in EQ that you know
>what things like Dexterity, Agility, Strength, Armor Class, etc. are for
>and what they affect.
>Meanwhile, items that boost these numbers by very very small amounts are
>expensive, and make me wonder why I should spend 5 plat on armor that
>increases my AC by 2%, or 1 plat on a ring that gives me 2 extra Dex.

In Everquest, its not your individual piece of equipment, but the total of
them all that counts. like, combining every piece of equipment i have, my
suit of armor ia AC 115, +2 agility, +5 Strength, +5 magic resistance,
etc.... it all adds up :)

>Anyone who can answer any of the following questions please do so. I would
>be very grateful, for I am getting very frusrated with the fact that
>everyone else in the game seems to know what is going on, and I do not.
>What does strength affect in combat? What does dexterity affect in combat?
>What does agility affect in combat? Are jewelry or other enhancements that
>add only 1 or 2 to these stats really worth it? Do they really make a
>difference, and how do you know?
Strength affects your ability to hit for more damage. for example, Jim uses
a sword that has a DMG of 5, which means he can hit for a max of 11 points o
f damage , (formula is DMG x 2 + 1) and because his strength is 100, he
usually hits for 8-11. but Ned, the wood elf ranger, his strength is 80, and
he hits anywhere from 3-11 usually. Dexterity, along with Offense skill and
your skill in the weapon type you use, affects your ability to hit a target,
as opposed to whiffing, as well as reduced casting time for mages. Agility
helps your natural armor class, along with the Defense skill. jewelry and
other expensive, stat-enhancing is well worth it, but a good suit of armor
and a strong weapon take precedence.
>What is armour for? Does it absorb damage? Or is it figured into whether
>you actually get hit? Or both?
>What does the AC value of armor actually mean? Does adding 3 or 4 to your
>AC actually make a difference?
AC makes a HUGE difference. and , it does indeed absorb damage, but only
when you wear chain or plate class armor.
>What is the ATK stat that goes up with each level?
ATK is your attack, and is equivalent to AD&D's THAC0. its your ability to
hit a target with a weapon.
>Every weapon has a delay. How long is the delay is seconds?
not sure, but i think its, Delay/10 = delay in seconds. there is quite a
noticeable difference between the delay of a dagger and a halberd :)
>There are several combat skills. One is for your weapon type (i.e. 1H
>slahsing) and there are others for offense and defense. What are each
>of these for? When do they get figured in?
Offense is your ability to hit a target and deal damage regardless of your
weapon skill. Example, a sportsman fencer who has never seen real combat
would be a master in Piercing, but would have an offense of 0, because, he
knows how to wield his weapon, but not inflict damage.
>When I use my weapon, I hit for 17 damage per turn. No more. This hasn't
>changed since I first got the weapon (4 levels ago) and doesn't change when
>my 1H slashing, offense, strength, or dexterity goes up. Why don't these
>stats affect what damage I can inflict?

17 per damage means that your weapon's damage is 8. it will never change,
Strength , will mean you hit for the high-end of the damage pool more often
(remember, this weapon can hit for 1 to 17 points, it doesnt have to hit for
17 every time) and your dex, and weapon and offense skills simply mean that
you will hit more often, and hit creatures with a higher AC.
>I miss a lot. Up to 8 times in a row sometimes. Because of this, creatures
>thay /con blue often win the battle. What can I do to miss less?

try training your weapon skill at your guild trainer, also, try building up
offense, this is a royal pain in the keister, as you can't train Offense at
your guild, but i find my offense goes up faster if my weapon skill is
>Is there any documentation anywhere that shows the numbers game? In UO the
>player guide simply had things like WeaponDmage * Skill + 10 = Damage. That
>would be very useful to me. Does it exist anywhere?

well, not exactly, but you will find alot of helpful statistics at
http://gameznet.com/eq and http://eqss.stratics.com/ .

>Again, if you know the answer to even one of these, please post! Thanks!
-Kyar Lutesmasher