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Message ID: 10056
Date: Sun Nov 14 19:43:36 GMT 1999
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: Re: Lambent

> I did not like your tone, sir. you assume that I am a low level -twink-
> well, sorry to say, mister know it all, that I am a level 22 bard, and this
> is my ONLY damn character. for you to go say "Well, you don't -deserve- it
> then" is typical elitist attitude that is starting to drive me away from
> this game. What gives you the right to judge me?

((I hate to be the one to say this... but you don't deserve it then.))

My comment stands. However, I apologize for the seemingly lack of
respect, but you've got to realize I've played this game
as a bard longer than you have -- and I hear all the L20 bards
complaining because the Lambent quests are too hard. The fact
that they think they should get Lambent because they are something
special, irritates me. I worked really hard for my armor.

My point was I wish all bards had to work for their armor, cause
it doesn't get any better until level 46. I dont whine that I
cannot get the Plane armor yet, so I'm working as hard as I
can to become of level to travel and earn it.

Plus, I never called you a twink. You put those words in my mouth
Mr. Level 22 Bard hehe. So what does a L22 bard wear nowadays?

You posted to this list looking for advice, and I gave it to you.
I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted to hear. If you want Lambent
armor, you need to take some risks and quest for it, or pay the
piper. I don't know what else to tell you.

Harmonic, Mister Know it All, Bard