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Message ID: 10119
Date: Mon Nov 15 19:15:39 GMT 1999
Author: Michal Hobson
Subject: Re: A great place for xp and cash.....finally!!

I hate the damn things myself, I refuse to ever go back to Runnyeye. Every
time I've gone there I've died at least 3 times. I seem to have a lot more
success in Perma and Sol A though. Bear in mind that we haven't been to the
king side yet and all the mobs we're facing would probably be green to you,
but a good group is the key element. And anyone who wants to try this
works wonders here. Its the difference between big rewards and big death
tolls. Also, I know they are a relatively underappreciated class, but our
rogue is the man in these places! With his hide and sneak skill he keeps us
from running headlong into masses of baddies. He has become our number one
asset for dungeon crawls. I won't go into a dungeon without him anymore.

Weiland <Disciples of Truth>
Erollisi Marr

P.S. Kitasi, I forgot to tell you, make sure your puller uses ranged weps to
pull, I've had a couple of the gobs (flame and fire) here get me with
backstabs for 120 plus.
> /shiver
> Man. I friggin' hate goblins. They train up like they work for Amtrak.
> Sol A and Runnyeye are the worst, Permafrost isn't quite so bad.
> I know it's because I've been in bad pickup groups, but I have died and
> empty-handed every time I've tried to fight in Sol A as a bard. So far
> made excursion there three separate times for vambrace and boot items and
> there's usually just about 12 people in the zone, half of them resting
> Sol B. I have yet to even get to the spawn locations for these items. I
> don't have a strong guild, so getting them together for this sort of thing
> just isn't possible. So every once in a while I cruise to Sol A and ask
> anyone is fighting in there and need a bard. So far no luck. Just
> couple of empty-handed deaths and a run back to Cazic-Thule where the
> coordinated people seem to fight.
> Crier Sharpsong - 32nd song bard on Fennin Ro
> > Oh thank god,
> >
> > After being the world's poorest bard for 22 levels, I must
> > say that I have found the greatest place I have ever been for
> > experience and cash. If any of you level 30 and under bards are
> > in need of a fun time and a good place, I would suggest Solusek's
> > Eye. In the last week, I have gone from level 22 to almost 25,
> > and made about 1400pp (no kidding - I know you big guys are
> > saying ~yawn~, but I've never had more than 100pp in the bank
> > hehe). I am now the proud owner of 2 Obsidian Scimitars, a
> > drakescale belt, a pair of Kobold hide boots, and an obsidian shard.
> >
> > My guild and I have been exploring the place for a week now
> > and we love it! Of course, we've only gotten as far as the
> > Foreman's room but we'll get a little further after a while. Our
> > group was myself, a 25 rogue, a 25 monk, a 27 ranger, a 26
> > paladin, and a 26 warrior. So far I've only died once, which is
> > incredible for me. Hell, I died getting there (forgot to check
> > the time and ran smack through the middle of Kithicor at 1 am --
> > you writhe in pain....LOADING, PLEASE WAIT). I have yet to see a
> > champion or a mage other than on the ranger's tracking, but we
> > haven't gotten that direction yet. We will, poppa needs some
> > brand new shoes and sleeves, as soon as we level a few more times.
> >
> > Anyway, just a suggestion for those of you who are looking
> > for a nice place to hunt. Although you'll need a good group, the
> > place is a blast so far. There are lots of "safe" places to pull
> > to once you fight your way to them, most are right next to Sol B
> > zone lines. And so far, I've encountered no warping bugs for
> > MOBS, and no Z-Axis problems, I have no trouble using Lullaby at
> > all. It has saved our asses more than once, I know one time we
> > pulled a fire gob shaman, 2 flame gobs, and 2 cinder gobs when
> > Singe showed up! We barely eeked that one out, but damn it felt good!
> >
> > Sorry to ramble on, I'm just in awe of this place!
> >
> > Weiland <Disciples of Truth>
> > Erollisi Marr
> >
> > P.S. Of course you know that as soon as I post this I'm going to
> > go back and die there 25 times tonight, Murphy's Law. Doh!
> >
> >
> > [Attachments have been removed from this message]
> >
> > > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> > lol@... with the subject submissions.
> >
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
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