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Message ID: 10168
Date: Tue Nov 16 18:16:50 GMT 1999
Author: scott@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: Re: Infected Paw

From what I have seen the undead legions in the Qeynos hills were just for a
GM event, and are now back to being fairly safe to travel and hunt in.

Kitchicor is the killing fields. I have taken to dropping off all my
equipment off at the bank except for a drum, food and water before
attempting to cross. It's not so much that mob's can catch me while using
Accelerendo, it's that people fighting in Kith are training all sorts of
nasties to the entrances/exits and then hopping zones to saftey. I've almost
died twice now in situations where I made it through the forest without a
problem only to run into 3-4 undead uber-mobs waiting at the zone exit to
Highhold or Rivervale.

Fun Fun Fun

The only saving grace I can see is that a lot of the high level group gate
capable people on Mith Marr are now much friendlier about giving free rides
across the world :)


----- Original Message -----
From: JasonF <JasonF@...>
To: Eqbards@... <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 9:46 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Infected Paw

> From: "JasonF" <JasonF@...>
> This rambles a bit, but I ain't had no coffee so bear with me:
> Ok, so Infected Paw is being upgraded. Hell we all complained that IP was
> too far from bind points for its designated level to be very useful, so
> high time for a revamp there. I'm concerned, however. Not so much about
> being upgraded as the general trend that we're seeing to make existing
> more and more difficult as the mean player base gains in level. Kithicor,
> for instance, has been raised to the point where level 50s can't be
> of traveling through the zone without dying. From what I hear Qeynos
> now spawns high 20s undead such as Skeletal Monks that will make quick
> out of anyone traveling to/from Qeynos and Blackburrow.
> Last night I met up with a friend who had just purchased and installed
> EverQuest. He started a warrior in Qeynos. I'm teaching an experienced
> gamer, but complete EQ newbie things like "don't kill wolves and bears
> Holly and Cros Treewind", "/con everything", "don't be afraid to run",
> "monsters can't follow you through zones", dmg/atk ratios, what is AC,
> etc. I'm not big on twinking so I didn't give him much. A fine steel
> and 20pp for milk and muffins. But is Qeynos Hills going to kick his ass?
> What about Enchanters born on the East side of the world from Kithicor?
> Their level 8 animation spell in in High Keep, as are bards level 16 songs
> (some better because of Selo's, granted). At level 8 a true EQ newbie has
> very difficult time just finding out that his spell is *in* High Keep and
> then making his way from Ak'Anon or Freeport. My god, now the obvious
> takes him through Kithicor. He might never have ever seen anything more
> aggresive than a Young Kodiak or the odd Hill Giant. The sad thing is
> the Hill Giants that he's seen are *considerably* easier to kill than any
> undead that he's going to run into in Kithicor.
> I suppose what I'm saying is that Verant is increasing the difficulty by
> leaps and bounds of *existing* zones in order to compensate for the high
> level player base. This is detrimental to the true EQ newbies. If *I*
> started a Gnome Enchanter right now, I'd know that I could invis (lvl 4
> spell for them) and travel the boat to Freeport, EC, NRo, Oasis, SRo,
> Innothule, Feerrott, Rathe Mts, SK, NK, WK, HH, HK if I really wanted to
> avoid Kithicor. OR get a high level escort during the day and save a
> of time and zoning. But a real newbie has no idea of what awaits him when
> he zones from the tranquil WC in to Kith. Mayhem, madness and swift death
> and exp. loss. What would *you* do if you had no friends in EQ and got
> killed with one spell by an Undead Cleric somewhere between WC and the
> Rivervale entrance?
> Most people on this list are experienced players. Some of us are *very*
> experienced players. If we started new characters, even completely
> untwinked, we would be able to avoid these things because we know the game
> *so* well. We take the depth of our knowledge for granted. I remember
> in late May when I first install EQ - do you remember when you first
> installed it? Remember how completely freakin' lost you were? Now put
> Kithicor between you and something that you need as much as a level 8
> enchanters needs Mircyl's Animation. Say you're a level 6 bard in
> and hear "Are you [interested] in delivering [mail]?", "We need [mail]
> delivered to [High Keep]. Are you [interested]?"
> Crier Sharpsong
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.