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Message ID: 10213
Date: Wed Nov 17 02:07:33 GMT 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Lambent OPINIONS

Since the subject heading has the magic word in it I'll give mine.

When the lambent quests came out, I was 23d level and assumed that it would
be impossible for me to actually complete any of the quests myself until I
was much higher in level. So much for assuming. I'm now 27th level and I
have all the quest components except the two required for the breastplate,
the helm that gets dropped by the deepwater goblins, and the icy greaves. I
can get the greaves whenever I decide to take the time to go to Permafrost.
With the exception of the shin greaves and the fiery vambraces, I acquired
every component by killing the mobs that drop them. The groups I was in
certainly helped me along the way. In many occasions, there were 30+ level
people in the group but they were low enough in level so that I got
experience everytime we killed a mob. IMO, that means that I earned it
versus someone giving it to me. For the shin greaves and fiery vambraces,
the person who killed the mob was giving them away for free so I took
advantage of their generosity.

In total I have acquired ten of the quest components. However, I only have
one piece of lambent armor. Now I have to focus on saving up some money so
I can buy the gem components. By the time I have enough money to buy the
gems for the quest components I already have, I will probably be high enough
level to try and get the ones I'm missing. Acquiring all the lambent armor
pieces is a long term goal I have for my character. I will enjoy it
everytime I get a new piece because I know that I will have earned it. In
philosophical terms, I will enjoy the journey just as much as I will enjoy
arriving at the destination.

Now for the opinion part. The process I just described is what works for
me. I personally could care less what anyone else thinks about it (thats
the beauty of opinions). How you want to go about getting your lambent
armor is up to you. Because of Verant's design decisions for EQ, there
isn't any right or wrong way to go about it. If your a 10th level bard and
can figure out a way to loot a basalt carapace, you earned it, IMO:-)

Galtin of E'ci

> > From: <kim@...>
> > equipment you can obtain. We've got a bunch of people who
> > like to play the work-for-everything-you-get game, and a
> > bunch of people who like to play the monty-haul-start-off-
> > with-the-best-of-everything game.
> For me it's not that black and white. I would say I'm in the middle on the
> whole "monte-hall" "get it myself" debate - I'm not really in either camp;
> I
> don't mind when people give me things, but it's also fun to get them for
> myself (as I stated before, I plan on getting the Lambent myself). BUT I
> do
> not begrudge others getting Lambent WHEN they do even IF they had help and
> are not at a level where they can get it themselves (not to say that they
> don't need a towel as I drool on their armor when I see these people). For
> various reasons, the obvious being the impossibility of self-acquirement,
> I
> will be waiting to get it, even though my guild would probably help me get
> it if I asked (they're a fun and helpful bunch).