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Message ID: 10219
Date: Wed Nov 17 08:12:30 GMT 1999
Author: Ken Bachman
Subject: Re: Lambent

James Schuldes wrote:
> So, Kenross - I'll be glad to help you get some Lambent - gimme a tell when
> you are on!

Sylly - I used to wonder who the cute well-armored Bard five levels lower than me
was. Now you're four levels above me, even better armored (and still cute, of
course)! You may live to regret your offer, too. I'm quite likely to take you up
on it! First, though, I think my guild wants to cart me around for a weekend.
They've been telling me for a month that as soon as I reached level 33, they'd
start to haul me around, and now that I've got it, I'm calling in my note. hehe

As for twinking, it bothered me for awhile, but I'd be a hypocrite to whine about
it now. Hmmm, let me review my armor:

Spiked Collar, two +2 STR earrings, two +7 DEX +5 CHR rings, bought and paid for.

Bronze Cape, Boots, Gauntlets, Mask - Traded 2 sets of hand-made banded for these
(also got Bronze Breastplate, Leggings and Helm)

Skull-Shaped Barbute - Had to give up my Steel Helm, but this is a semi-twink from
a higher level guild member.

Barbed Vambraces, Serpentine Bracer, Silver-Plated Bracer(?), Steel Breastplate,
Silver-Plated Leggings, Crested Gauntlets - All handed to me by higher level guild

Staff of Writhing - higher level guild member gave it to me.

Tainted Tier'dal Rapier - higher level guild member let me loot his solo kill.

I've also given my level 11 Warrior: Bronze BP, Helm, Boots, Bloodstained Mantle,
Barbed Leggings, Dwarven Axe, 2 +3 STR rings and 100pp (the Mantle and the Leggings
I got from, yes, a higher level guild member). I only play my warrior when I feel
like being mindless, and who wants to sit and heal all night? I mean, sitting like
a lump IS the height of mindlessness, I admit, but please...

Not that I couldn't have afforded to BUY some of this stuff. I have 2000pp in the
bank. Still, twinking has done OK by me. ;)

What's the lesson? JOIN A GUILD.

Kenross Cantoforjado (The Talquinn), 33 songs, Innoruuk