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Message ID: 10221
Date: Wed Nov 17 04:48:20 GMT 1999
Author: Dark
Subject: Re: Lambent OPINIONS

Who said Verant wanted to stop twinking? Recently Brad answered some
questions about that and while I don't remember it exactly it was something
along the lines of not wanting to put in a hard level cap onitems. Why?
Because if somebody goes through a lot of trouble of doing a new quest or
killing some mob and gets a item he can't use why should he not be able to
use it on a new character? No where has Verant said they do no allow
twinking or anything along those lines.


-----Original Message-----
From: kim@... <kim@...>
To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Lambent OPINIONS

>From: <kim@...>
>On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Brangwen wrote:
>> > From: <kim@...>
>> > equipment you can obtain. We've got a bunch of people who
>> > like to play the work-for-everything-you-get game, and a
>> > bunch of people who like to play the monty-haul-start-off-
>> > with-the-best-of-everything game.
>> Okay, let me ask you this then: Suppose someone I know (a college
>> has a fancy car that was given to him by his well to do parents. Now I
>> own a car like this but would like to, and could certainly do so, if I so
>> choose, because I've already gone to college and have a career making a
>> nice salary (i.e. "paid my dues"). SO...If we take this line of thinking
>> then it would be fair or kind for me to say he doesn't deserve the car
>> because he didn't earn it, and so SHOULDN'T have it??? I don't think so.
>> (just a little playing the D Advocate here)
>I'm speaking in universal generalities. One student having a
>car given to him by his parents is pretty irrelevant. OTOH,
>if 80% of the students at a college have expensive cars given
>to them by their parents, then that may be a factor in your
>decision to (not) attend that college. It alters the living
>(playing) environment, to the dislike of some and to the like
>of others.
>Given the half-hearted attempts Verant has made to thwart
>twinking, they've legitimized the viewpoint that you SHOULDN'T
>have expensive cars given to you by well-to-do parents in this
>game. I don't have a problem with people who want to twink.
>I do have a problem with them wanting to do it in a game where
>the designers don't want them to twink. IMHO the ideal
>solution given infinite resources would be to have some
>servers a twink-fest, and others twink-free, to support both
>ends of the spectrum.
>> That aside, please remember that we each have our own opinion and are
>> entitled to those opinions. Its OKAY if people disagree with your opinion
>> regardless of the issue at hand (sometimes I have to remind myself of
>> What people seem to be objecting to, IMO, is how mean-sounding it was for
>> that person to say "... you don't deserve...." etc (and I know that
>> probably didn't mean it to come across as harsh as it sounded???). BUT,
>Um, if there is nothing in the game that you don't deserve,
>then there is no advancement, and you have the ultimate
>monty-haul game. It may sound harsh to say you don't deserve
>something at a certain level, but that's the fundamental basis
>of advancement in a level-based roleplaying game. If you
>don't like it, then you probably shouldn't be playing an
>advancement-based RPG.
>John H. Kim
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