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Message ID: 10223
Date: Wed Nov 17 07:34:58 GMT 1999
Author: RaceFace
Subject: Re: Philosophy behind the Bard class

I have a suggestion.

Have the singing skill also affect the range of your songs. The higher your
skill, the greater the range. This would help greatly with the healing
song, which to me at level 16, seems to have quite a small radius. I don't
mean being able to sing across a zone, but have some sort of effect. The
better you are at singing, the better able you are to project your voice.

Give us the block skill (I don't recall seeing it). I think ANY class able
to wield a shield should be able to get this skill. (As an aside, have a
shield increase your ability to block! Having a 3' x 2' metal-shod shield
is going to let you block a hell of a lot easier than with your arm. :)) I
don't think it would be so unbalancing to give a melee class this skill.

Also give us parry. Again, I don't think it would be unbalancing. We are,
after all, more melee than not.

As for song ideas.. an invis to undead song? or, at a certain level, give
our current invis song the ability to hide us from undead as well. Unless
it does already, I dont' know. :)

Hm. That's all I can think of right now, as it's 1:30am and I really need

> From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
> Kitasi raises some good points IMO. Although I always enjoy this type of
> discussion, I think we will have to wait until the expansion comes out
> before we will know what Verant has in store for the bards and other
> classes. Its too bad that Verant is tight lipped when it comes to
> discussion of class mechanics. In addition to new songs, I am hoping that
> we will get new skills like parry and riposte (with caps high enough to be
> useful) at some point after 50th level. If the only thing we get are
> to the caps of our current skills, then I for one will be quite
> disappointed.
> I don't know how useful it would be, but maybe the bard community (mailing
> list and Concert Hall board) should bang heads together and come up with a
> list of song ideas and skills that we would like to see get added with the
> expansion. The way I interpreted GZ's response to our questions, Verant
> seems to be having a hard time coming up with new song ideas. Maybe we
> could help them out some. I volunteer John Kim, Shada and Rokenn to take
> the lead on this:-)
> Galtin of E'ci