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Message ID: 10229
Date: Wed Nov 17 14:47:32 GMT 1999
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: Re: Lambent OPINIONS

> Um, if there is nothing in the game that you don't deserve,
> then there is no advancement, and you have the ultimate
> monty-haul game. It may sound harsh to say you don't deserve
> something at a certain level, but that's the fundamental basis
> of advancement in a level-based roleplaying game. If you
> don't like it, then you probably shouldn't be playing an
> advancement-based RPG.

This paragraph very clearly summarized my point exactly.
I don't understand why people, who obviously understand
that I'm giving MY opinion, are all bent out of shape
over this topic. If you say you respect other opinions
why do I sense people getting irritated/questioning posts
made by other people with, allbeit, differing opinions.

X person posted that it wasnt fair that they couldn't get
Lambent armor because they don't have friends who want to
help them out and that they were not high enough to complete
the quests on their own. This is where the 'you don't deserve
it' line comes in, which people instantly took offense to.

The way I see it, everyone here is trying to justify how/why
they earned their Lambent, and I frankly don't care. That
wasn't the issue. I am not for/against twinking. I do it,
I've done it, it's happened to me, it's happened for me.
The issue is these people who whine about NOT being able to
get the armor regardless of level due to the fact they don't
have the know-how, the friends, the level, the resources, or
the time.

It's really easy to read into the words on this page, and get
the wrong idea. In a matter-of-fact tone, non-condescending,
Lambent armor was geared for mid level acquisition. When
I see L20s complaining about the hardships of Lambent armor,
I just chuckle. Because IMO you don't need that armor yet.
But if you do earn a piece; congrats! It's not easy stuff.

If you've got some negative reply to make to this post, I don't
want to see it on the list. I'm kinda over the berating of one
particular person over the way they see things. Feel free to
flame me in PRIVATE.
