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Message ID: 10483
Date: Mon Nov 22 22:29:14 GMT 1999
Author: jhenders@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Dungeon advice

On Mon, Nov 22/99, JasonF <JasonF@...> wrote:
> I'd recommend that you stay outta Sol A. I have a real dislike for goblins
> in general (and I try not to be bigoted), but that place has a lot of
> serious Wizards in it and they hit very hard. They killed me twice at level
> 34 over the weekend (once by simply knocking me into lava) while trying to
> get my Firewalker Boots. The place never has very many people in it,
> despite have a really wonderful design and some very, very interesting
> places and some very nice loot. What that says to me is that the place is
> slightly misdesigned.

Just to offer an opposing viewpoint on this.. I really like Sol A. With
a good group and good dungeon exploring techniques, it's a gas and quite
doable. And, because it's usually empty, it's one of the few places you
can really explore like a dungeon, rather than wandering around trying
to find an uncamped spot. The tricks I learned with my first character,
while exploring Lower Guk before anyone else was there, served just as
well with my new character in Sol A and Perma. Of course, again, you
need to be with a group of good players for this to work. Having a good
puller, people who know how to play their characters, and someone who
can do crowd control (enchanter/bard and druid/ranger) are necessities.

The group I'm currently playing with with my new character went into
Perma at 24 and came out with runed circlets, cold iron morning stars
and mammoth leggings in just one night. We went to Sol A in the late
20's and early 30's and got just about every special item out of there
as well.

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
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