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Message ID: 10752
Date: Tue Nov 30 19:22:10 GMT 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: RE: Mana song in battle

You're right. Lullaby is a *great* song. However.

No sir. Not me. In a group of 6 camping a room in lower guk at our levels
(I'm 35, you're 34) there's no way in hell you'd get me to try and lullaby a
room of frogs, even WITH a cleric. Maybe, if all I was trying to do was buy
my friends some time to make the zone or evac us.

First of all, I'm not a tank. As much as I like getting in the face of a
frog and pounding on it, if it hits me more than a few times I have to step
back out of the fight because I'm down to two bubbles of health. I have a
grand total of 792 HPs before buffs. Lullabying a room is one sure way of
getting the exclusive attention of the two or three frogs that the tanks and
casters in your group *aren't* assisting on. The tanks absorb, dodge,
parry, block and simply have the HPs to *take* quite a bit more damage than
I do. That's what they're for. If you've got four frogs, one engaged and
three standers-by, then with your 50% resist rate that you quoted, you've
got two frogs pounding you constantly. I'd survive 10-12 rounds with buffs
and some lucky rolls.

Secondly, if you have two or more tanks in your group then the mana of the
cleric is better spent (i.e. better mob damage/damage taken ratio) to have
let the tanks have done the tanking. What I'm saying is that you may do
(and I'm just pulling numbers out of thin air here) 200 points of damage to
a frog while you've taken 400 points of damage, wheras a tank will have done
400 points of damage to a frog and have taken, say, 400 himself. So if the
cleric heals you both, the cleric has burned the same amount of mana for 200
points of damage from you and 400 from the warrior. I realize that it's not
always this clearcut, and I don't mean to diminish the amount of damage that
bards do, it's not insignificant. From the Brian Hook post:

The melee classes are arranged such that, from greatest damage to least
damage, the ideal layout is as follows:

1.) monk
2.) warrior/rogue
3.) shadow knight/paladin/ranger
4.) bard
5.) cleric/shaman/druid
6.) pure casters

This is the order in which the players should stand from the battle.
Lullaby puts you at #1 with every non-engaged mob.

Crier Sharpsong

> As for Lullaby, Enchanter Mesmerize is better, but if I'm not in
> a group with
> Mes, it's still darned useful. In Lower Guk (savant, exe, scribe
> rooms), at
> level 34, I was getting about 50% resists. This shuts down half
> of the goblins
> in excess of the one targetted (assuming that the group is smart
> enough to
> target one at a time). In a four-goblin pull, that neutralizes
> one and a half
> goblins. (This is the equivalent of Pixie Striking each of the
> MOBs, without
> all of the annoying retargeting). With more targets, it's even better.
> To show how situational this is: 1) it's not worth it if you
> only have two
> targets, and Pixie Strike might be better for three; 2) if you
> don't have a
> Cleric, you'll probably die; 3) if the dungeon is empty of other
> players, I
> don't sing AE songs unless we're close to a zone point.
> Kenross Cantoforjado, 34 songs, Innoruuk
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> lol@... with the subject submissions.