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Message ID: 10787
Date: Tue Nov 30 21:42:10 GMT 1999
Author: JasonF
Subject: RE: Cazic-Thule: A recommendation

Sylly? Are we talking about Cazic-Thule? The place with all the green
lizard guys? Where rubicite used to drop?

The only thing in there that sees invis is the gators (wtf?) and probably
the Avatar. There ain't no lizards what see invis. I've walked right up to
the throne with Tae Ew Templar sittin' on top and just stood there while
invised when they were black/white to me. Now maybe this has *changed* at
some point, but CT has always worked that way for me. I zone in, get a soft
mist to surround me and then jog through the maze and up to the top of the
temple. I do this all the time, bumping into Heralds, Judicators,
Justicars, etc. all the way up. They don't see me or I'd know about it.

And something that bears mentioning: Another thread has talked about how
relatively easy it is to get Shin Greaves and Gauntlets from Lower Guk at a
level too low to fight there, and that's true. However, those that haven't
been to Lower Guk need to be warned that invis doesn't work against the
frogs down there, it only lets you get there through Upper Guk safely. I
just wanted that to be clear.

Crier Sharpsong

> From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
> Invis inside CT? You got to be joking! <g> Every time I try the
> maze, some
> freaking caster froggy has see invis and beats on me. If I don't have a
> caster & tank with me to beat it down, I am done for. And I have never
> done a nekkid run inside CT. But I have done lots and lots of
> looting after
> getting rezzed behind the tree.
> I guess the different tactics come from the differences in our groups. My
> CT time was spent with my regular group: cleric/wiz, sk/wiz, troll war,
> ench/necro & me - bard. These are all players I have literally grown up
> with -- from level one in a couple cases. Consent them to loot
> me? I wish I
> could make it permanent command.
> Sylly
> p.s. I am sorely tempted to go back and learn that damn maze.
> There has to
> be a trick to it and I feel like I am missing something.
> p.s.s. if you are not seeing Specs in Feer it's cuz you stay close to that
> wall as you run past the spec cave. or you don't have many lev 45
> enchanters who are soloing them. I know I have spend many hours with my
> enchanter fiend. she pulls - yes from the cave - yes you can
> easily get 3 in
> which case she will mez then charm. when there is only one, I chain it -
> she fears it - I beat on it and she nukes it or dot's it - whatever off
> ench's have and I chain and melee while its feared.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: JasonF [mailto:JasonF@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 1:38 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Cazic-Thule: A recommendation
> From: "JasonF" <JasonF@...>
> You're joking, right? The flute is for getting to your
> corpse inside Cazic
> going through the maze and up to the Archon or back to the
> mud temple, it
> never occurred to me to use it in Feerrott. A plain-vanilla
> skelly at the
> zone? If I'm bard enough to be fighting in Cazic, why on
> earth would I
> waste my time killing that? Afraid of a Bouncer with
> Selo's? Heck I
> routinely smack the Bouncer when he comes up to the CT zone
> and run him back
> out into the Feerrott so that he doesn't kill half the folks
> resting at the
> zone. As for Spectres - yeah I seem them once in a while
> but I just veer
> around them; they've never killed me. You're just about as
> likely to hit a
> spec in Oasis nowadays with the folks trying to kill them
> there.
> But as I said, I think the Freeport/Arena thing is pretty
> much a wash to
> Cazic unless you're very familiar with the trip from Arena,
> in which case
> it's a bit faster.
> Crier
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> lol@... with the subject submissions.