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Message ID: 1079
Date: Mon May 24 23:40:03 BST 1999
Author: RON_TALBOT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx.xxx
Subject: Bank and Farie Dragons

Hail all,

Well after a mildly frustrating weekend (revolving boat trip from Freeport,
(you leave, zone, crash, and re-logon to find yourself arriving back at
Freeport... repeat), obnoxious campers, and a friend that refuses to go to Paw I
have a couple of questions, one answer and some observations.

1. The Bank in High Hold (HH) is down stairs. Yes it is dangerous down there,
just don't open any doors. The Bank is just around the corner (right?) from the
bottom of a set of stairs. I only stayed a short time (too low level) so I
don't know if there are more then one set of stairs but if you don't see it
right away leave. I like the way everyone is armed in HH. The bank teller
was dual wielding. Who needs guards.

2. What's up with Farie Dragons? The little guys with butterfly wings. Are
they monsters to hunt? Do they have a bad faction adjustment when killed. Do
they have good treasure? No one seems to be hunting them. Yes they're
beautiful but that doesn't seem to stop most people.

3. Thanks for the info on combine weapons. I had forgotten they were magical.
Unfortunately if I had the money to buy one I wouldent need to hunt wisps...
sigh. Just have to take my chances with 'chords'.

4. IMHO Yes you can stack/juggle songs. Works great most times. Key tactic.

5. I'm puzzled by these complaints about our songs. If you look at at the
spell lists for the magic classes most of their higher spells are simply better
versions of their earlier spells. Why wouldent we also get better songs as we
get higher? Also I use almost all of my songs. Some more then others of course
but they all have there uses. (True I'm only 11th level) I used 9 of the 10
available song this weekend! (not counting the broken one) I love the
flexibility of being a bard. When in N. Ro I got a constant stream of offers to
join groups. I felt bad turning everyone down. So far being a bard rocks! I
just hope it doesn't turn sour later on. I don't really expect it to be a
problem. Not even being a power gamer (life, girlfriend, job, friends etc.) by
the time I reach, gasp, 25th level everyone else will be on their second or
third life and probably much mellower about things.

6. Speaking of the group I did join. It had a Dark elf as a member. When I
sang Anthem do Arms his strength fell by 10! Is this intentional? Do Dark Elves
hate music? (grin) Probably a bug but has anyone else noticed this? Ironic,
that group, 2 trolls and a dark elf, were extremely fun and fair with other
groups while the Elves and Clerics I tried to share with in the Faydark were all
extremely obnoxious. Go figure.

Bujold the singing bard