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Message ID: 10860
Date: Wed Dec 1 17:50:28 GMT 1999
Author: jhenders@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Twinking Causes a Crisis of Faith

On Wed, Dec 01/99, scott brisko <scott@...> wrote:

> He started a character and was moving up the levels pretty quick, but then
> at about level 15 he decided that the whole process was taking to long, so
> he bought an account from E-Bay with a 50th level character and a couple of
> 20-30 levels characters.
> At first this really did not bug me too much, and while I tended to look
> down in general who bought accounts from E-Bay, I cut him some slack. But
> now it is really starting to cause some bad feelings, mainly because he's
> off adventuring in the planes Guk, Sol B, etc. and I am still looking at
> another 3-4 months at my pace of play to even get into the 40's where I
> might be able to try those places.

Why be jealous of this? Look what he missed? Most dungeons you've been
to in the game were (hopefully) challenging when you learned thier
secrets and how to stay alive in them. All those cool experiences are
denied him, as everything there is green to him and no challenge unless
you really screw up bad. (which some newb with an ebay 50 would probably

On my old server, Tarrew Marr, one fairly well known Paladin sold his
account at 50, and the new owner is (was anyway) the laughingstock of
the server, at least in the high level circles. (Auar for any of you
current TM players) None of the 50's I used to hang out with, who are
the people planning the plane breakins and dragon hunts, would invite
this character on one of them on a bet. Unless your friend is amazingly
good at picking up on how to play the game it's highly unlikely he will
ever get the respect of his peers enough to be invited on expeditions
that actually challenge a L50 character, so he'll probably soon tire of
camping items in lower guk and sol b, the only places that remotely
offer a challenge to high level players.

> It really make me wonder what I am putting all this work into. While for the
> most part I still have fun, on the nights when I join up with the world's
> most inept group or worse can't find a group I begin to think about hanging
> the lute up and calling it quits.

Well I hope you find a solid group of friends to play with sometime. As
far as I'm concerned that's the hardest part of this game, and the part
that is the most rewarding. On both servers I've played on, I've managed
to find a group of people who play similar hours, advance about the same
speed and can actually play their characters competently that I like as
well, so it can be done. If these people aren't on, I either solo or
play something else.

A guild can also help with this, as long as the guild has some kind of
recruiting standard and doesn't just take anyone who says "Kewl, can I be
in your guild?"

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
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