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Message ID: 10866
Date: Wed Dec 1 19:07:58 GMT 1999
Author: scott@xxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Subject: Re: Twinking Causes a Crisis of Faith

> From: jhenders@...
> On Wed, Dec 01/99, scott brisko <scott@...> wrote:

> Why be jealous of this? Look what he missed? Most dungeons you've been
> to in the game were (hopefully) challenging when you learned thier
> secrets and how to stay alive in them. All those cool experiences are
> denied him, as everything there is green to him and no challenge unless
> you really screw up bad. (which some newb with an ebay 50 would probably
> do)
> On my old server, Tarrew Marr, one fairly well known Paladin sold his
> account at 50, and the new owner is (was anyway) the laughingstock of
> the server, at least in the high level circles. (Auar for any of you
> current TM players) None of the 50's I used to hang out with, who are
> the people planning the plane breakins and dragon hunts, would invite
> this character on one of them on a bet. Unless your friend is amazingly
> good at picking up on how to play the game it's highly unlikely he will
> ever get the respect of his peers enough to be invited on expeditions
> that actually challenge a L50 character, so he'll probably soon tire of
> camping items in lower guk and sol b, the only places that remotely
> offer a challenge to high level players.

Not really jealous of him, more just frustrated. I think in part this has to
do with my being stuck in Oasis for the last month trying to score pickup
groups and then doing a "/who friends" and seeing that he's someplace much
more exciting. On the down side this friend of mine was accepted into a
guild within a weeking of buying the account, mainly becuase he knew a lot
of the guild officers from when they were UO players, so instead of
ostracizing him for his lack of knowledge for his class and skills, they've
taken him under their wing to help him get up to speed.

> Well I hope you find a solid group of friends to play with sometime. As
> far as I'm concerned that's the hardest part of this game, and the part
> that is the most rewarding. On both servers I've played on, I've managed
> to find a group of people who play similar hours, advance about the same
> speed and can actually play their characters competently that I like as
> well, so it can be done. If these people aren't on, I either solo or
> play something else.
> A guild can also help with this, as long as the guild has some kind of
> recruiting standard and doesn't just take anyone who says "Kewl, can I be
> in your guild?"

Another friend of mine and I were joking about the number of people we had
in our friends list that seem to no longer be playing. At one time I had
something like 35 people who I had grouped with and enjoyed playing with who
either no longer ran that character or had given up and left the game. I
have not had much luck with guilds, I've belonged to two different ones that
have both disintegrated from infighting.

Anyway not trying to bring anyone down or feel sorry for myself, just wanted
to vent a little.

Bernwyn Ablesong
Mith Marr