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Message ID: 10921
Date: Wed Dec 1 22:15:28 GMT 1999
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: No drop and solutions (long) was Twinking and crisis of Faith

>and enjoy his items. I repeat, No one is off selling lambent armor
>parts for any kind of price at all, and people selling the lambent
>armor can't sell it for the obscene prices that items like gator legs
>go for simply because the quest/no drop quest item system works!

I disagree vehemently. Griffennes are camped nearly 24/7 on E'ci regardless
of the No Drop nature of the bard and shaman required items. Only
difference is most people leave them on the corpses for free. If Griffenes
were even remotely rare, you'd never see one cause they are worth good xp.
I see more dead Shin corpses in L Guk with No drop stuff rotting on them
than I do ones waiting to be killed. way more, again cause they are worth
good xp and easy to single out.

The only difference is the items lay around for free. The mobs are not
waiting around for some needy bard to come along and kill them. Same with
shamans needing mammoth ribs. has mammoth killing suddenly ceased because
they have a No drop shaman quest item, of course not. The reason no one
sells lambent is it is not worth the effort. To get a piece of lambent you
have to spend a couple hundred plat on gems, go to at least three different
zones to hunt things, and find a buyer. The money produced per time unit is
ridiculously bad compared to camping for a non-lore magic item you can sell
for the same amount. Don't assume cause and effect occur and are related.
The 'cause' of Lambent quest items being No drop has no correlation to the
'result' of Lambent armor not being sold. When was the last time you saw a
Rain Caller for sale? It's not No Drop. The quest is however a pain in the
neck that takes a long time and much effort to solve. I'm still working on
it, but at least I have the Fairy Dust now. How about crafted? those quest
items ae No drop but it is sold all the time. Why? Because the Crafted
quests require a heck of a lot less running around. I haven't been to an
auction since about a week after the quests were implemented where crafted
wasn't for sale, and being sold successfully. I have sold 2 pieces myself
and traded one to a guildmate. All for profit. No drop quest items did
absolutely nothing to deter me from doing so. I doubt the warrior market is
any bigger than the bard market. I've likewise made 2 pieces of shaman
armor so far and traded them to guildmates for other stuff I could use.
Again No Drop did nothing to deter me. If however, the armor itself had
been No drop what would have changed? I wouldn't have done the quests
probably, and my Shaman guildmates wouldn't have the armor. Did I deprive
any poor Shamans of getting their piece of armor? Nope, there were zero
shamans hunting tentacle terrors in Najena or Mammoths in everfrost when I
got my pieces, cause if there had been I'd have let them loot the items.
Why were there zero Shamans hunting these things? Because the quest is
involved, takes a lot of travelling, and they didn't think it worth the
trouble. Totemic Gloves were not worth the time to the shaman's in my
guild, but they were worth the cost of the Dufrenite plus a decent magic
item I could only get if I camped some spawn point for hours.

To be honest I am glad the quest items are No Drop because it means someone
does have to do all the running themselves to get the item. Not necessarily
the Shaman though. If some shaman wanted to trade me Lambent for Totemic
I'd be ecstatic, but they don't want to do all that running. So maybe you
have convinced me that No drop does do something if used in the intermediate
stages of a quest. It ensures that people who really enjoy doing quests and
travelling will be able to complete them. To make the reward No drop as
well so that I could gain no benefit from the quest would deprive me of the
challenge I most enjoy in this game. In fact, it has already tempted me to
quit as more and more quests produce No Drop items. Believe me though when
I say this, It is the complex, involved, time-consuming nature of the quests
that prevent the wizard Ks'ers from doing them in order to sell the final
product. Not the fact that the intermediate items are No drop. If
anything, the No Drop nature of the intermediate items increases the market
for the final product, because buyers/traders know they can't just buy the
intermediate items in one location and do the quest themselves.

The bottom line.

Make intermediate items No Drop, that will not prevent anyone who wants to
do quests from doing them but will ensure whoever does the quest will have
to do all the running around themselves, i.e. someone will have to spend
time doing this.

Don't make the rewards No Drop because it isn't necessary to prevent someone
from selling the item for ridiculous prices or preventing legitimate item
users from getting the items. Making the quest even slightly complex with
time consuming travelling will ensure this never happens, the people who
engage in those sort of activities are way too lazy to get involved in
anything like this.

The Shining Star of Light quest is the easiest quest for a magic weapon in
the game. I can regularly sell them for 50-75pp nonetheless. The people
that buy them could usually do the quest themselves in their sleep, but they
aren't interested in all that running around, all that interacting with
npc's. They just want to kill things, plain and simple. Despite having
regularly sold SSoL's at auction, I rarely see anyone else selling one. If
those KS'ing wizards can't be bothered to do an incredibly simple quest like
this, why would you think they'd ever do a more involved Lambent one? Even
more ridiculously, I can sell 4 pairs of bear Hide boots at every auction if
I cared to. Very few if any other people do so, yet they sell for 5-10pp
and cost less than 2pp to get. You don't even have to travel across zones
to do it and few can be bothered. so if you want to make intermediate items
No Drop, more power to you and Verant, but don't make the final result No
Drop because making the final result No Drop solves nothing and only hurts
those who enjoy doing whatever quest comes their way and are happy to
receive the reward they get.

Questing somewhere on E'ci