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Message ID: 10947
Date: Thu Dec 2 00:10:40 GMT 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: Re: Twinking Causes a Crisis of Faith

I honestly don't know why this bothers ppl to this extent. When you get lvl
50 and you get SO sick and tired of seeing the insides of Guk and Sol B, you
can't find a group, nothing is going on, and you got all this extra loot
sitting around not being used - why not use it? Trust me when you get 50th
you will feel the same way. The ONLY lvl 50 people I know that haven't
twinked a character were unable to because they are on other servers. You
get sick of being a newbie, and twinking makes it much easier to get passed
this very boring phase of a newbie's life.

When I first got EQ I had a blast being a newbie, learning the ropes,
running from little goblins and orcs. Now - I would skip directly to lvl 14
(at least) if I could. I've been a newbie so many times (many times forced
by character deletions during beta and then commercial release) it just does
NOT appeal to me anymore in the slightest.

Full quest armor on a twink? Be happy they got it and probably won't be
going after that item anymore should you also happen to be interested in the
same quest.

I also have no problems grouping with twinked people because I know they
have nice stuff that helps give them an edge. =) This translates directly to
how well your party can do. Currently I'm wearing enough WIS crap on my
druid to get at least 2 extra bubbles of mana. This is a huge difference
than what I would have if untwinked, and I feel more comfortable with it.

The ONLY times I have had any problem whatsoever with a twink was when I was
sitting in Oasis, and I saw an Ogre stroll up to me with this neat lookin
sword (looked like a Wakizashi). I noticed he was 14th level so I inspected
him....WTF?!?! A Bladestorm!??!?!?!?!?! This is where I draw the line...I
mean come on - weapons that are dropped from a god? I am so glad they
implemented the level limit. My first time in Fear was just after the level
cap patch. I was with Fires of Heaven (a guild with a notorious reputation
on my server), and a mob dropped some Ranger only no drop boots. Hmmm no
Ranger around...so the guy leading the hunt logged in his newbie-gimp ranger
(sub-20th level I believe) and looted the boots. He had this ranger camped
there before the level limits were imposed. He did not know that Caphys,
Veeshan's lead GM was watching us invisible until Caphys said to remove all
low level characters from the zone. Of course this guy was not really
reprimanded in any way because FoH and the GMs on my server are in the sack,
but that's a whole different story - I digress.

I can understand people being jealous of items other characters twinks have.
Hell, my in-game spouse has a 17th level rogue with a sash, silver
legplates, BONE RAZOR, and other awesome stuff.. I drool and I give her hell
for it all the time, but it's all in fun. =) Just wait til you are 50th and
start feeling that eq boredom creep in and you pain for something new to
do. I'm sure not everyone will do it, but the majority will either twink a
new char or quit EQ.

-Sartori D'Elsiraad <The Companions>
Bard of Quellious of the 50th Chorus
-Stace Stormraven <The Companions>
Druid of Tunare of the 26th Circle
Veeshan server

>From: "JasonF" <JasonF@...>
>Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
>To: "Eqbards@..." <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Subject: [eqbards] Twinking Causes a Crisis of Faith
>Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 11:12:47 -0600
>I've been playing my bard "Crier" for just under 38 days of 'played' time
>and I just hit level 36. That's definitely *not* fast leveling, but I've
>seen a lot slower. Before my bard I played a monk up to 23rd and an
>Enchanter up to 13th while learning EQ and realizing that the best class in
>the game was bard.. but I digress.
>Last night I saw a level 9 bard in full Lambent, dual Ykeshas, Flowing
>Silk Sash, Mistmoore Drums, the works; he was decked out like a level 50
>that hadn't been to the Planes. About four days ago I saw a level 15 in
>full Lambent, and I assume he had MM Drums and other goodies as well.
>I've got to say that this was *profoundly* discouraging to me. I've been
>working my ass off for the pieces of Lambent armor that I have and I
>lack the boots and helm. So here I sit, dejected on the sands of Oasis,
>being *less* complete than a guy that started his bard last weekend. Not
>only that, he literally *laughed* at me for having 38 'played' days and not
>being level 50.
>When there ceases to be any way for players' characters to differentiate
>themselves from one another other based upon level (i.e. time and effort
>expended), what is the point of continuing? I want, when people look at
>for them to know that I braved death and died many times to achieve the
>armor that I'm wearing. I don't want people to assume that I bought it
>a farming high level Wizard or Mage or twinked myself with it. I am now
>"just another bard in Lambent". If the armor was NO DROP it would be a
>different story. The bard that I saw in Oasis would have been in steel
>probably and I would have something tangible and visual over him based upon
>my efforts. Everyone that saw me would then *know* that I had earned the
>pieces for myself. They would know that I had pulled Gypsy Musicians from
>Mistmoore Castle for a lute, and that I had pulled Gargoyles in Lower Guk
>for a Basalt Carapace. The Lambent armor's not being NO DROP has reduced
>efforts to inconsequential and unnoteworthy.
>I am seriously wondering what it is I'm doing playing a game that makes me
>feel this way.
>Crier Sharpsong