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Message ID: 11029
Date: Thu Dec 2 18:42:05 GMT 1999
Author: Lonnie Lewis
Subject: RE: Selos and trains underground

> I mainly lurk on this list but I feel the time is right for me to say
> something:
> On Monday Night my Guild Noble Warriors of Norrath went to Perma for a bit
> of hunting/camping, I as a young bard had visions of us leaving loaded to
> the gills with Cryst-blades, icygreaves, silvery axes and other assorted
> plunder.....
> Our party formed up in the hall I sang my invis song and we walked up the
> ladder into the flag room, then someone moved out of range and became
> Ran back re-mem'd songs and started CR all went well, moved back in this
> time to the room with the Priest spawn...No AOE songs just Bellow,Amthem,
> Healing,Jig for our fighter now and then(long fights), and of course
> Elemental and Gardians for priest fights and every now and then the crack
> of my dual whips.
> Then we got a tell from our enchanter(he was late) saying he was incoming
> to us. He arrived /yelling for help with every gobby from the entrance to
> the flag room chasing him, he cast Mez, he died....... Now was my turn to
> show the power of the bard!
> BTW our group was bard=me, fighter,shaman,ranger,monk, and the now dead
> enchanter...
> I whipped out my lute and began to play Lullabye, head nodding all around
> :-), i was shaking so badly I could barly type" Attack one at a time and
> HEAL me!!". About 5 min later I stood in the middle of the room with a
> ring of dead Gobbies all around me 57HP left and my party at almost full
> health. I was estatic :-)))))). my party was in awe, the enchanter was
> pissed( he died remember). n Then it happend the words that everyone fears
> "TRAIN, GET OFF THE TRACKS" about 15 sec later our monk falls into the
> room bleeding from several deep cuts and falls dead. 5 sec later more
> Gobbies then I thought were in Perma boil into the room all looking for a
> crunchy Bard snack.....Lullybye back up....nods from everyone.....NO AGGGG
> the Priest RESISTED!!!!!!!! . "ZONE, RUN NOW, LEAVE ME I'LL HOLD THEM!!" I
> yell to my party. Everyone who can runs for the
> zone.....LOADING.....Please Wait
> Now I ask you what went wrong? where are my Icy greaves? where is my
> Silvery Axe? What the hell is The Tome of the Wheel?
> If ye can answer any of these questions please do :-)
> Thanks for letting me share my time in perma with ye
> Just so ya know I had fun it was the first time I've been scared in a long
> time, in this game
> *************************************
> Pinen Warsong
> Hopeless Bard of the Rathe
> Bard of the 21st Song
> Master Bard of the NwN
> *************************************
Your icy greaves and silvery axe are in the room that the
train most likely started in ;) Don't know about the Tome of the Wheel.

Not too sure where you were fighting. You said near the preist, do
you mean the preacher room? never seen a train come through there. If you
were near the flag room, I know what happened. Some group (or solo artist)
was trying the king room and brought the train with him. One thing you want
to tell your group (assuming you're fighting in the flag room) is go into
the little alcove near the far right hand side of that room. Then start up
your invis song, and wait out the train. This isn't a guaranteed solution,
on occasions, depending on the train they might see through your invis, but
it's worked for me far more often than not.

Bien - Karana