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Message ID: 11038
Date: Thu Dec 2 19:06:56 GMT 1999
Author: Wayne Sheppard
Subject: My Twinking Solution

Bear with me for a couple of paragraphs while I go over my thoughts on
twinking. If you want just read My Solution, skip to the end.

Like many of you, Twinking has become a bigger issue as of late. As first I
didn't care, but serveral incidents have started me thinking about it.

I really don't care if you hand something down to a lower level if you don't
have a need for it. This doesn't affect me directly so I could care less.
If that level 5 Paladin is wearing full bronze because his "older brother"
upgraded to Crafted Armor (or plane armor) more power to them.

But lately I see more and more people camping items they don't need just to
twink. Several times my group has went to get a specific item and found it
camped by a higher level that can't use the item. On several occasions, the
players confessed that he was twinking his guild or his newbie character.

Another time in a pickup group, a wizard tried to claim the first Bronze
Armor loot, said he needed it for twinking his new character. (I dropped out
of that group in a hurry). I've seen several instances like this.

I don't want to talk about any killstealing encounters. Were they there
just for the profits, or were they looking to twink as well?

If someone prevents me from getting an item I want because they want to
twink, I feel as if I am being robbed. Now, everytime I look at a twinked
character, I wonder if someone deserving was denied access to that item so
the twink could occur.

My Twinking Solution really isn't a solution. Most of the proposed
solutions involving level limits and NoDrop items won't affect twinking that
much, but would have a negative effect on normal players too.

Instead my group has started playing on the Team PvP servers a few times a
month. Twinking doesn't nearly seem to be as common. If a level 5 is
running around with Quest Armor, there is a good chance that he will get
popped and have his armor taken from him a piece at a time.

It also seems that because of the PvP nature, items are not quite as
plentiful. This has the wonderful aspect of actually making the tradeskills
(Tailoring and Blacksmithing) useful again. It is totally different from
the "carebear" servers, and not the bloodbath I had initially expected.
