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Message ID: 11094
Date: Fri Dec 3 00:09:03 GMT 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: Re: Twinking Causes a Crisis of Faith

Overall the general population of twinkers could care less I am sure.
Hoever, I will never block a needy person (i.e., a druid needing a foreman
tunic) from the camp. Everything I have on my druid was not intentionally
camped by my high level for the purpose of twinking. It's all stuff I had
sitting in the bank, and hand me downs (like the Falchion). I am getting the
itch to camp for a mammoth cloak lately tho. =) Oh what a joy that will be..

-Sartori D'Elsiraad <The Companions>
Bard of Quellious of the 50th Chorus
-Stace Stormraven
Druid of Tunare of the 26th Circle
Veeshan Server

> If a level 50 twinks because they
> are bored and they camped suchandsuch, then Verant needs to
> address that issue separately. Lack of things to do at 35+
> is becoming very apparent, and overcrowding is forcing people
> to twink up lower level characters who can fight with ease
> in a uncrowded lower level zones. There are plenty of druids
> out there who are L30 - L40 who still use a combine scimitar.
> And the fact that a L50 wizard will sit there and camp the
> foreman (because he's bored) to twink his L12 druid, thus
> blocking druids who need an obsidian scimitar for their
> primary still bothers me.
> I don't want this thread to blow up into some heated debate.
> Clearly there are two sides to this, and there will always be.
> My druid has L40 equipment, but not one piece have I sat and
> camped, I just ran across them and collected things. My beef
> is with higher level characters actually camping X item or
> X quest because it will yield them profit or give them something
> to hand their L5 noob. Rangers are extremely notorious for
> doing this, as they often track down rares and try to profit
> from the kill.
> But last night after a server restart, who got to Bildge FarFathom
> first... hubba hubba hubba, who do you love? Me? I'm giving
> away free reed belts.... And where oh where is the Ranger? He's at
> home washing his tights! bahaha... silly ranger tried to KS
> me too. Three words: Denon's Desperate Dirge.
> Harmonic, 'hey, those are my balloons'