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Message ID: 11564
Date: Thu Dec 9 03:00:40 GMT 1999
Author: jay schultze
Subject: OT: New patch message

I found this on another message board:

As you know, there is a scheduled outage this Wednesday where a new
patch will be installed for Everquest. I have obtained insider
information on the new proposed game changes:

12/05/99 - New changes with latest patch: (by Trajan of Brell


Dropped items now have a 25% chance of being swept away during rain
storms, excluding rusty weapons and foraged grubs, which will now
litter the landscape for an extra 20 minutes when dropped.

A new NPC "Noah" will wander around Norrath, most often in South
Karana, looking to round up two of each creature.


Necro pets have been modified. They will still do the same amount of
damage in melee, but will now give "the finger" to any monk passing
by. This behavior can be toggled via the "/pet humble" or "/pet
arrogant" commands.

New pet commands: /pet sit, /pet SIT (all caps), /pet goddamit


If you accidently give the wrong combination of items to an NPC or the right
items to the wrong NPC, the NPC will laugh hideously at you and immediately
run to the nearest merchant to sell these items, at which point there will
be no way to re-acquire the misgiven items.

Pathfinding has been improved in zones such as Mistmoore, Everfrost
and Permafrost. Mobs no longer "appear then disappear, then appear"
right in front of you. Now they simply appear in front of you without
any prior visible evidence of their existence.

Mobs will no longer be able to hit/target thru walls & doors - instead in
select zones, walls and doors will be considered autonomous NPCs which can
deal damage similar to other monsters in the area.


When dying, you will no longer lose experience. Instead, you will
have a random number of personal effects disappear (both from your
person and the bank).

The cleric revive spell will teleport you to your body as well as a
nearby property insurance agent (GM) who will then tell you you're out of
luck if you think you can get any lost items back. The cleric
ressurrect spell does the same thing but gives you a few animated
items which disappear when you log.


New Druid Spells: Ring of Desktop (29th), Circle of Desktop (34th) -
Immediately teleports you to the Windows 98 desktop, thereby aborting
Everquest; in-game action similar to going link-dead. Circle of
Desktop has the same results but affects the entire party. Succor:
Desktop was decidedly left out as it took three times more
time than required to hit CTRL-ALT-DEL which caused the same effect.

New Shaman Spells: Spirit of GM (Allows you to run faster than SoW in
opposite direction when asked for assistance)

New Enchanter Spells: Clarify (automatically makes excuses to other
mage classes as to why you can't cast Clarity on them)


Female characters now all get Berserk Frenzy once per game month for 3 to 5
game days.

A new skill has been introduced: "slacking" - Humans, Ogres and Trolls begin
with a bonus to this skill of 35. It is available to all races. "Slackers" -
experts in this field will be able to manufacture new game items:
television, la-z-boy recliner, cheetos, remote control - all of which
improve hp regeneration while adding to encumberance.

Another new skill: "pimping" is available to all classes except
Shamen, Enchanters & Druids. Experts in this skill will be able to
force others around them to cast Sprit of the Wolf on them at will.
Masters of this skill may force druids to teleport them far out of
their way while thinking you're doing them a favor.

Another new skill: "whining" available to all classes but melee
classes start with 50 skill points, monks start with 60. Masters of
this skill have the ability to root GMs for extended periods of time.


The following new emotes are available with accompanying animation and
special effects:

/macarena immediately start dancing
/hurl expunges pieces of food in immediate vicinity
(sometimes the former may case others around to perform the latter)
/rap you begin bragging of your wealth
/gangsta rap same as above but you also swing your weapon


/youdied? feins linkdead status when a party member dies and you're a healer
/oom covertly casts heal and SoW on yourself, and points you in the
direction of the nearest zone, while telling party you are OOM
/commend file a compliment/commendation on a local GM (untested)

/guild emancipate Removes guild status from (without his knowledge) until he
reaches a high-enough level where he posesses good spells and items

/pimpfilter ignores any say/guild/shout/ooc comments which contain
the words "tp" or "sow"


Guise of the Pimp Deceiver - Allows you to appear to be in the same
guild as the person you are targeting - extremely useful for finding
groups and getting free items & buffs

Cloak of "friend" protection - AC5 DEX+6 AGI+2 Effect: immediately TPs you
to another area in the zone whenever someone you don't know
addresses you as "friend"

ButtFire - 2HB DMG 18 DLY 22 Effect: random farting - new Paladin-only quest
which results in this spectacularly-animated weapon which has a random
"fart" effect which causes 2-16 hp of damage to all within a 10' radius
(Trolls & Ogres are immune)

Earring of Newbie Reflection - AC2 STA+5 HP+10 Effect: makes you con
green to everyone else and upon inspection shows that you are wearing
cloth armor and wielding a rusty dagger.

EBay-Scale leggings - AC11 STA+12 all/all Effect: Creates an illusion
that you are camping a rare spawn even when you are not logged on.
Awarded from a quest involving KS'ing several lower-level characters
in search of experience.

Staff of Irony - (rumored to exist - no proof) The most powerful
weapon in the game, attainable only by killing tons of mobs that all
con green to you.