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Message ID: 11581
Date: Thu Dec 9 17:04:51 GMT 1999
Author: edwardscanni
Subject: Re: Lambent Stones on E'ci

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Roach <mike.roach@...>
To: 'eqbards@onelist.com' <eqbards@onelist.com>
Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 10:35 AM
Subject: [eqbards] Lambent Stones on E'ci

>From: Mike Roach <mike.roach@...>
>I have a problem with obtaining lambent stones.
>This may be just on E'ci, but greedy people are seriously trying to cash in
>on lambent stones. I got a few answers to my requests for stones, but the
>cheapest anyone was willing to give me one for was 20pp with some morons
>saying they sell for 100-200pp each. I agree with others on this list who
>refuse to pay for the stones for various reasons. I have spent over 1000pp
>purchasing gemstones (sapphires, rubies, etc etc) and I am not going to
>some greedy bugger more.
>I still need about 7 lambent stones total for the rest of my armor and I am
>certainly not willing to pay another 200-1000pp to obtain them, >Does
anyone have any suggestions or recommendations apart from soloing in
>the Rathe mts and charming giants to kill each other?
I feel your pain brother- :)
I have been extremely lucky in obtaining my first 4 Lambent stones. I paid
20 pp for one, the rest where given to me by friends or guildmates, who
actually held on to them for me until i needed them.
I also refuse to pay more than 20 pp for one-and I sincerely believe that
the only way we can accomplish this is by being in aggreement across the
board as the Bardic community,not to spend more than 10-20pp for a stone.
Yes you may get the occasional butthead with money to burn who will throw
100pp+, but I think these people are few and far between-hang in there, and
make friends.
I have always used humor to get what I need or want- its tough to refuse a
request if you make someone laugh- they've been camping or hunting for
hours,and I'll say something that I know can bring a smile or laugh. You'd
be suprised how many responses I get to the positive.
Also, having the mana song doesnt hurt either :)
Good Luck
Scanna Swiftsinger
33rd Chorus