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Message ID: 11639
Date: Fri Dec 10 00:01:08 GMT 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Question on mob teleporting

Was fighting in the aviak roost in SK last night. Had the 22d level
teleport song memmed so I could get down to the ground fast without having
to use the ramp. I was in a party of three people. The top roost was full
of spawns. Three aviaks on the inside and an avocet on the outside. If
you attack an aviak on the outside, sometimes the ones on the inside will
join in. Told my party I had a neat bard trick to show them. I lamented
the three aviaks on the inside, started singing the teleport song, and
attacked the avocet before I teleported. I was teleported to the base of
the ramp. Before I had time to equip my weapons, the avocet appeared right
in front of me and started to whoop my butt. No way he had time to run all
the way down the ramp. Also, aviaks don't fly (which is surprising) so he
didn't get down that way. I assume what happened is that he teleported to
my new location. The other two party members had not gotten to me yet and
by the time they arrived I had lost over half my health. The avocet still
had a lot of health remaining when a rook spawned at the ramp base so we
decided to zone. A good plan went all for naught.

I think that if the three of us would have had time to consolidate on the
ground before the avocet appeared, we would have been able to kill him (the
other two got teleported a long way from the ramp). What I can't understand
is why he appeared so quickly. Does anyone know what it takes to trigger a
mob teleporting to your location? I don't think distance on the X-axis is
the factor. With Selos, we can outrun almost every mob in the game. I've
never had a mob that I outpaced by a large distance using Selos teleport to
my location. I'm guessing it has something to do with the Y or Z axis
coding. I think the base of the ramp is almost directly under the top roost
and as a result I was underneath the location where I initially attacked
the avocet. I think the game just moved him from the top of the roost to a
point on the ground directly underneath where he spawned.


Galtin of E'ci