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Message ID: 11643
Date: Thu Dec 9 21:59:26 GMT 1999
Author: Chris Musson
Subject: Subject: Re: Re: Re: SPOILER Cape of the Midnight Mist (was:RE: re: equipment)

>The Butler is an SK as are the ancille cooks, the Maid is a wizard and
>she loves to try and root before burning. The Butler is very good about
>remembering to unload his HT on you, fortunately he does it in the
>opening and not when you are low on hp. =)

>Ariell Thunderwolf, Karana

>P.S. Remember that what a druid can solo and what a bard can solo easily
>are two different things. The bane of the bard class is any casting
>monster, while we can shred most lower level meleers quite easily.
>Casting classes love to burn down casters. Also ask the druid how many
>huge trains he's pulled to the zone after messing up a pull on the
>Butler, or how many times he moved to the wrong spot and had both cooks
>aggro on him (assumes he is KOS in MM). Most will say none, but in fact
>the super huge trains at the zone in MM are usually as a result of one
>higher level player putting everyone in jeopardy instead of just dying
>quietly and peacefully. I am *not* saying your druid friend does this,
>but maybe he does. Also, the point about the con in wolfform is
>important. Let's see him try fighting the "easy" butler in place without
>Wolfform *laugh*.

[Insert comment from said Druid:]
I was in wolf form. I was not KOS in wolf form. I did in fact harmony the
mobs there. However I forgot 1 gargoyle and died. I did have the good grace
to die and not spirit of cheetah to the zone killing countless lower levels. I
did return and kill the Butler solo very easily (with correct application of
harmony this time). In fact I buffed up, damage shielded, harmonied, DoT'd the
butler and just greater healed myself as needed *melee*ing him to death.
[end non-farming/non-KSing/non-ebayselling/non-training Druid comment :)]

Those are all pretty valid points, and in fact, last time i was in Mistmoore a
lvl 50 Druid brought the entire castle down on my poor 23rd level head.(OUCH!)

But, in the case of this Druid, he is someone that i work with, so i know his
tactics etc. He has made errors in the castle twice. the errors were: 1.
tried to solo the Cloaked Damphyr at too low a level. He tried to gate and
died. 2. Tried to solo Lasna Cheroon (sp?) and missed a harmony somewhere.
He got the gate off and lived (i was on the phone with him at the time)
As i think i stated before, he is not KOS in Mistmoore (in wolf form), he has
never killed anything but named mobs, which do not hit you with the faction
adjustment. He also is more one of those "fight it out while mashing the gate
button" types than the "run to zone and pick up human sheilds" types. Alot of
druids i have seen are the latter, unfortunately.

[Insert annoying Druid type comment again:]
Yes I try to gate out rather than train and kill folks...would rather die
myself than get others killed. :) Actually most of the named mobs there do
have a faction hit but if you just run through in wolf checking which nameds
are up you can kill them on and off over 15 or so levels without lowering your
faction a whole lot. :)
Well actually you *can* camp npc Bards to raise your MM faction...of course I
haven't done this...yet. :)
[end annoying insert]

heh...he just walked over to my cube and was reading over my shoulder....

I did not want to imply that a lvl 32 Bard could solo the butler if that is
what i did. Obviously, we are just not equipped to even GET there, let alone
solo a named mob (caster, no less) that is only 2 lvls below us. But, you
could probably bribe a druid to get it for you. : )

23rd song
<Wave of the Dark Tide>
Mighty Defender of Druids that don't train people :-)

"Thou shall not kill. Thou shall not commit
adultery. Don't eat pork."
I'm sorry, what was that last one? Don't eat pork? God has spoken. Is that the word of God or is that pigs trying to out smart everybody?"
-- Jon Stewart

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