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Message ID: 11725
Date: Sun Dec 12 21:37:28 GMT 1999
Author: Tom Henschel
Subject: Re: Lambent in the younger years (was MM raid)

Hi Pava!
Good to see you have had some fortune! Hope it continues!! I have had to
do the dirty work obviously, but I am able. I hadn't much exp with Mistmore
prior to my big adventure (still think Esprit de Corpse are using MM as
training for multi-group fighting prior to plane assaults). I now have most
of the pieces to get most of the lambent. And friends are holding on to the
rest of my stones. Maybe when you see me I won't be silver anymore!


>Hey gang!
> At 19, I've managed to acquire 4 items needed for the lambent armor
>without any real help from anyone thus far, with the exception with the
>lambent stone itself. I'll tell you this, for all you newer bards out
>there (including me), you can get these items fairly easily...
>Dark Boned Bracer from Greater Dark Bone in Unrest... found mine on a
>corpse lying at the zone as SOON as I stepped in! How convenient. Picked it
>up, turned around and left. This was at lvl 15-16ish?
>Grinnenne Charm from Griffenne in W Kar? Once again, i zoned in from the
>wooden bridge, made an announcement this time, actually... Someone's like
>"one charm in front of the wooden bride!" Woohoo. Walked straight out on
>path, spotted it, and grabbed it. yay! I think I was 16ish here too.
>Opalline Helm from Deep Water Goblin in Oasis... Hey, there are normally
>people pulling these guys and their pets to either the SRo zone or right
>there near those huts on the shore during peak hours. If you can get on and
>over there during these times, I'd make an effort to do so. You know, the
>helm itself is pretty sorry to wear itself as armor, the people who are
>enough to kill DWG's most likely already have something better than an ac8
>helm with no stat enhancers. I was maybe lvl 17 or so then.
>Shin Greaves and Shin Gauntlets from Shin Ghoul Knights and Shin Knights in
>Lower Guk... (forget which drops what) People pull these mobs to zone all
>the time. The spawn rate isn't bad, and the way to do it is wait just down
>the hall from the zone into Upper. They like to fight right at the zone
>line, and if they zone, they'll turn to you. Again, once you wait a little
>while, shouts and ooc's will say _____ is on _____ at zone. Pick it up and
>go. Now the trick with Lower Guk is you have to get down there without
>getting mauled. I just made 19, so I had sonorous clouding (invis song). I
>also had NO faction hits against frogloks. When uninvis, they were dubious
>or apprehensive? forget... anyway, yay me! The other trick is trying to
>it. That I'll leave up to you, cuz I couldn't even try to begin explaining
>now LOL! Btw, I think both mobs could see through invis too.
>Icy Greaves from Elite Goblin Guard in Permafrost Keep... Ya, another easy
>one lol! This is the one I really did need help. These guys ain't no
>cocktail party. They spawn way down in the valley with the King and
>patriarch. I was with two groups 35+ one night. They were there for the Vox
>bracer i believe. First group left, I still had no greaves. Besides, two
>in that group wanted greaves themselves. I made a /tell to a 46 Pal to see
>if he would kill one for me so I could loot. I offered him my Runed Bone
>Fork. Ya it was pretty late. So he was camping some weight reduicing bag,
>and said he'd be down in a little bit. I told him the king just spawned -
>was scowling at me =P yikes! He hurried down with his two friends. From
>point on, we were there for 4+ hrs killing everything that spawned. You
>what they asked me to sing? Chant of battle!! (they asked for some dex
>songs. was the only one I had. heehee!) The paladin leaves, with just two
>fighters and this singing guy. wiz and druid actually. Hardly a balanced
>group. Needless to say, I died once. Ran back from Halas, got camo from the
>druid (didn't have my wind instrument obviously), and ran back down. I
>noticed very little exp loss, and it was a small price to pay. As it turns
>out, I got 2 FS wpns, 1h silvery war axe, and the icy greaves finally did
>So these five items I've attained at just level 19. Yesterday (sat), i went
>to the temple and got my lambent greaves and bracer. One small problem with
>lambent. It doesn't match with barbed arms and bronze boots and chest. EW!!
>I still look pretty pimp.
>And regarding the lambent stones... By being at the right place at the
>time, I've received 2/3 i've owned for free! So you can finesse your way
>into some lambent if you got the skill! =P
>Good Luck all, and sorry to babble! I like to share my good fortune and
>encourage others.
>Special thanks go to Athren Notechaser for the questions he answered for me
>before I went into the temple. You rock bro!
>Pava, Bard of 19th measure
><Silent Dragons>
>Cazic Thule