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Message ID: 11772
Date: Mon Dec 13 21:50:35 GMT 1999
Author: silky@xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Re:Re: Guise of the Deceiver (Longish)

>Let me cut to the chase: If you were in a zone with nothing
>to hunt, would you continue playing? Would most people
>continue playing?

I've never seen NOTHING to hunt - ever. I am an extremely patient hunter, I
have lots of other things to do between spawns than sit and complain the
area is too crowded I'm bored (the #1 thing that will make me drop a group,
quicker even than dumb/dangerous stunts)

>I don't see how you can claim it's not attributable to people
>when everything else is the same and the only differing factor
>is people. True, they are not deliberately and directly
>preventing you from finding anything to hunt, but they are
>doing it indirectly.

Then why are you laying the blame at their feet? That's like complaining
the roads are clogged during rush hour and it's the other drivers fault -
it accomplishes nothing - and those folks gotta get to work too.
Frustrating yes - but it's not THEIR fault.

>Now, if you don't care about finding mobs to kill, then I can
>see why you feel the way you do. But I hardly think that's
>representative of the majority of the playerbase.

Oh - I hunt - but I take what comes, when it comes. Indeed - I love crafts
(even the sorry state they are in) a LOT of my time is spent killing
spiders and snakes (and other lower level mobs) for raw materials for
crafts. You know - all those mobs the higher levels usually don't even see
cause they are looking for that next experience raising message (and
usually complaining there is nothin to hunt).

And no, I am probably not terribly representative of the majority of the
playerbase. I have two main characters, currently lvl 22 and 23 - and don't
particulary care when or if I ever level again. If my enjoyment comes from
existing in a world - why should I rush headlong to my own virtual death?

>> They have as much right to be there as I do, while I could think of several
>> ways to handle this a bit better - I don't blame it on other folks - and
>> what they may or may not have.
>Why are you putting an ethical spin on this? Their reasons
>for doing what they do are irrelevant (aside from how it
>relates to their enjoyment of the game). If there are too
>many people playing the game as it was meant to be played, it
>has a negative impact on overall player enjoyment. There's no
>ill will or malicious intent behind that, it's just the way it
>is - supply falls short of demand so the public grows
>discontent. Given that inescapable fact, how do you best
>design the game to mitigate this reduction in enjoyment?

Well, perhaps I have a little more empathy towards my fellow gamers. We
are, after all....stuck in the same boat so to speak.

That is just one of the many reasons I do other things besides just hunt.
There are a multitude of things to do in EQ besides chase that next xp
point. Some people don't enjoy those things - that's fine - but they are
there if you avail themselves of it. Top of the list is socializing -
perhaps take a younger player under your wing for a little while, educate
them a little. If your sole aim is leveling as quickly as possible - and
you don't partake of any of the other things in the world - I can see how
that would quickly become frustrating.