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Message ID: 11861
Date: Wed Dec 15 19:53:11 GMT 1999
Author: Ryan Honeyman
Subject: RE: Song Taunting.

> But this works both ways, I try not to tell strangers directly how to play
> their characters. I bug my friends all the time and give them
> pointers/advice, but it would be touchier with strangers.

You got to understand, I'm a man on a mission 8*)

I've got to ding 50 before the year is out. Sloppy gameplay,
or lazy playing style doesnt just create more downtime, it
gets people killed. (negative exp just plain hurts)

> At your level, it sounds like any mistake could be quite fatal. At any
> level, we all know how hard it can be to get together a real good group that
> works like a well oiled machine.

And they often are. I know how the class masters do their thing.
And it's very easy to pick out an inexperienced highlevel person
playing in your group. The bard is the group glue, we are designed
to bring out the best in every class. Thus, I have studied which
classes do what best, and I know the little tricks and intricate
details about each that make them strong. In that way I provide
more a leadership role. Even in RL, I am a very opinionated yet
strong team leader. A bard most fits me (Ryan) as close as any
of the other classes do. Except in EQ, you've got 12 yr olds
(no offense) who have not understood responsibly nor delegation
yet. You have to be blunt with the kids, as they are. My parents
were very strict and straightforward with me, and I hated back then
but I appreciate it much more now. I am definitely a better person
for it. This is also the way I approach EQ, I dont attack people
on a personal level, rather try to make them see their more full
potential, gameplay wise. If they resist, try to buck me, make
me look bad, all it takes is one simple click on my client to
make that headache go away. I love input from my groups, in fact
the first thing I ask is tell me the songs you want me to play
and why. But to have some ahole standing there saying I'm Mr.
Badass L50, and I have many L50 bards you should do X and Y
because I say so, or I'm outta here... later dude, good luck!

> But heck, this is all just a game. Isn't it?

Yeah, and when I get the groups I'm in totally synched up
that is the best feeling in the world. A well oiled machine
made of 6 different styles, 6 different personallities, 6
totally different people is an amazing accomplishment. Yeah
it's a game, but damn I love this game (and it's mechanics).

I'm definitely not a hard ass, usually people who stomp around
and act like the know everything there is to know about EQ,
or demand things be done a certain way less they pout will
make a very low morale group. I am a high energy, lots of
alcohol, lots of jokes, lots of action, low downtime, big
accomplishment respecting bard. If I say, Player1 your
spell is being cancelled by my song, please do X,Y,Z and see
if that reduces your mana output and lessens our downtime.
Or Player2 you are not casting enough X, please try to do
that a little more and let me know how it works. I never
give a decent player an ultimatum, I always suggest or hint.
I've been with the best players this game has seen, and I
can tell they know their stuff. I learn from them and pass
along the knowledge.

But you'll always get a jerk or two in your time, where you
just gotta be as straightforward as possible. That's the
person I'm referring to, when I say just Disband them. 8)
Not the average player who needs a little advice. ;)
Conversely, I have never had to say anything to an enchanter,
as I often end up learning a lot from them.
