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Message ID: 11867
Date: Wed Dec 15 20:11:18 GMT 1999
Author: Cranfill, Wendy
Subject: RE: Song Taunting.

Well, I am going to have to say something in defense of the
Shaman here ...

I agree that how a person chooses to play their character
can be up for debate, and often it's easy to tell another class how to play.
Aside from some obvious mistakes though, sometimes you just can't know until
you play that class yourself.

For instance, I have had parties YELL at me for not using
Greater Heal right away. What they don't understand is that to do so is
almost always a death sentence for ME. And frankly, I'm tired of being the
sacrificial lamb. If you're not a healer, you can't understand the power
of a heal taunt - Bards can, cuz practically every song is as big of a
taunt as heal.

Often, I join a group as the healer, and because I'm a
shaman, my group wants:
1. Heals
2. Chloroplast/Regen
3. Buffs (Str/dex/agi/hp/sta/ac)
4. Slowdown/Quicken

Now, I am not a wisdom freak - 150ish, so Togors (slowdown)
and Quicken 2-3 party members takes 2 bubs of mana. Buffing same three with
two buffs takes me down to 1.5 bubs. Chloroplast takes almost a full bub
alone - per person! Now where is the mana for heals? So sometimes, you have
to choose, can't give everyone what they want or cast things in the order
others think you should.

Anyway, my point, I guess is that while I AGREE personally
that a shaman should Togors before DOTing, DOTing takes less mana and is
much faster casting...and sometimes the malise is worth it on high resistant
mobs if it helps the casters do full damage instead of 12.

Stressed at work (and guessing you can tell that by how
cranky this email sounds :-))

Tani 17th Bard
Halana 40th Shaman
Solusek Ro

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Gaines [mailto:dave@...]
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 1999 12:46
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Song Taunting.

From: Dave Gaines <dave@...>

While I agree perfectly with this post, you
are contradicting yourself
quite well.

1. No one tell me what songs to sing.

2. Shamans should cast these spells in this
order, and
Clerics should never nuke or melee.

Even if you are correct in what is optimal
for the group, it sounds
bad when you say both these things in the
same breath.


> From: Ryan Honeyman
> So, the other day in SolB - the usual
bat/bug group formed.
> Made 48th as I predicted, but I found
that I was controlling
> the group more so than I have ever
before. And well, some
> L50 people decided to be 'back seat
bards' - which I promptly
> disbanded them. Had to tell the shamans
to stop piercing the
> bats for 5 and 6 dmg, and sit their
pretty arses on the floor
> to med. Had to get the cleric on the
floor a few times too.
> Had to plan spell attacks, since the
shaman was trying to
> malaise the bat and poison it, before
drowsying it. Just
> little things like that tend to make me
wonder how these
> people made L45+. I mean if you wanted
to swing a sword
> or pierce with a spear, you shoulda
decided that 40+ levels
> ago. If medding is boring, or you wanna
raise your X skill
> then I politely ask that those people
either cease or leave.
> Sounds strict, but when you have
people's lives in danger,
> and monsters that can hit in the 100s,
I'd like the cleric
> to be medding for heals rather than
bashing something with
> a hammer and doing < 10 dmg, mostly
wiffing. Then you've
> got these clerics that must nuke no
matter what, <rolls eyes>.
> Wasn't a good night, like the one
before, to say the least.
> Some idiot wanted me to twist manasong
in battle, when we only
> had one caster and no snarer. heh.
Chains alone basically is
> a job in itself on these LDCs and lava
beetles. The same idiot
> got fussy cause I wasn't playing the
'healsong' for him during
> multiple mob pulls. (Without an
enchanter, I become a shotgun
> pixie striker - and that is in fact a
full time job) Making
> two lava beetles disappear from battle
with pixie strike is
> a huge challenge. But this dude kept
ranting about how I should
> be healing him at 6 or 7 hp per tick,
heh. So he takes a hit
> for 102 and I heal back 7 of that -
whooptiedoo! <g>
> The next pull, I agree to show him what
happens when I just
> 'speed him up and heal him' as he put
it. 2 sonic bats, and
> 1 lava beetle show up. I start berserk,
no problems. They
> stick on the tanks. I twist healsong,
and instantly I am
> swarmed... down two bubbles in less
than 3 seconds. Already
> proven my point, then begin to attempt
to recover this f'up
> with pixie, the guy is asking where the
speed and heal are.
> After all the things were killed, I
located the hotkey bank
> with my Disband button and clicked it
for him.
> o Manasong seems to have very low taunt
if any at all.
> o Berserk may or may not get the
attention of creatures,
> it seems to depend on how close I am
to the unconfronted
> mobs.
> o Hymm is absolute instant aggression.
> o I would imagine Binding, and other AE
songs like Lullaby
> would create a fair amount of
aggression too.
> Harmonic.
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards
newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.

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