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Message ID: 12045
Date: Mon Dec 20 15:49:56 GMT 1999
Author: jhenders@xxxxx.xxx
Subject: Re: Re: faq

On Mon, Dec 20/99, Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...> wrote:
> From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
> > Not to mention neither Druids nor Shamans can really fight in Melee...
> > We can still pretend we do...
> Nor will they ever, if I see a druid/cleric/shaman meleeing
> I tell them to sit their ass down. They have no business
> swinging for an average 10dmg per round. More often than
> not, I dont have every buff or am completely healed, so I'd
> rather them perform the job we hired them for then attempt
> to melee. In my own immortal words:
> If you hate sitting down so much, then you picked the wrong class =)

You'll miss out on any of the better druids then. Playing the way you
ask is suicidal in the long run for cleric types, as it means your
offence and defence skills stagnate, as you never get a chance to get
improvements. This means when they get the inevitable frenzy occurs from
casting that heal they get ripped up because they have such low defence.

> As for pretending to melee, I do on occasion outdmg rangers and
> paladins. Double Yks with 205 DEX and SLTW and I almost
> always outdmg them. Don't underestimate our melee potential.
> We are by no means the best, but we contribute easily 25% of
> melee damage in most battles (when properly equiped, assuming
> three tanks, three casters).

Cough cough. Double attack mean anything to you? I think you'll find a
similarly equipped ranger would make your melee look like the joke it

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v
b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*