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Message ID: 12087
Date: Tue Dec 21 17:16:45 GMT 1999
Author: flash@xxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Misty Storyswapper


Misty wanders from zone to zone. I have seen her in both West Karana
and Qeynos Hills. (Shes one of those 'shuffling (ie walking) mobs).

Try song #14, the 'worthless' identify song on the bracer next time..
I bet you too will have this great ability to spot good equipment from
bad =)

Frashii, (Vanitii), 32nd Level bard
Seekers of Lore Officer, Tarew Marr http://www.loreseekers.com

Uldar doth spoke :

>Funny, everyone remembers her from WK, but I know I was in Qhills, right
>around the tower on the way TO WK. I know because i looked in the tower
>looking for this guard she disliked so much.
>BTW, if you happen upon a Guard's body and happen to loot a no-drop
>"guard bracer" and think "maybe this is the one the Captain in NK guard
>tower is looking for" and you decide to give it to him, If you are wrong
>and it is from a good guard, you better be ready to take the jump off
>the tower, because is appears he can tell the difference... not that I
>would know (rubbing his backside from the fall).
>Uldar Ulfangson
>35th Bard, Rodcet Nife
>P.S. I thought 30 was bad, then I got to 35...

> > she is talking about Guard McCluskey right?
> Yes. Misty Storyswapper is her name, and she is in West Karana.